Chapter 3: Do You Promise

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Hey guys! Before I start this chapter I just wanted to say that I've been going through an extremely hard time in my life which is why I haven't been writing recently. I'm going to try to update more frequently but I don't know how that's going to go. Anyway, happy reading! I'll see you all in the next chapter 😉


Gray's POV:

I can't believe Natsu let the scum bags at Raven Tail take Lucy! I remembered her saying something to him before he let her go. I couldn't hear what she said but I want to find out what made Natsu let them take Lucy without a fight.

"Hey Natsu! Come here a second." I yelled to the pink haired mage walking in front of me. He didn't respond. "NATSU!" I yelled louder. Finally the flame idiot turned around.

"What do you want!" He growled before turning back around. I ran up next to him and looked over. I could tell he was angry and a bit sad.

"So, what did Lucy tell you before she left?" I asked and he glared in response.

"She didn't leave, she was taken." He grit his teeth and looked down.

"Okay, but what did she say?" I asked and Natsu looked even more annoyed.

"None of your business, Popsicle!" Natsu yelled as he walked ahead. Why is he keeping this from me...hmm. I walked up to Happy and motioned for him to fly down to my level.

"What did Lucy whisper to Natsu!?"

Happy giggled. "I don't know, but what I do know is: they're in loooooove!" Happy cheered as I rolled my eyes.

"Ughhh," I groaned and decided to give up. We walked for what seemed hours, probably because the mood was very dreary because of Lucy. When we finally reached the guild hall without any words Natsu, who hadn't talked much since we left for home, walked in and immediately to the table at the very back and slammed his fist on the table, cracking it.

We all sat down as everyone bombarded us with questions. Where's Lucy? What happened? Are you all okay?

It was hard to talk about it, especially for Natsu who didn't speak at all. After a while of talking Natsu began to walk out of the guild hall, Happy attempted to follow him but Natsu turned him away.

Natsu's POV:

I walked along the edge of the water like I had a million times before, but this time it was different. Lucy is gone, she might never come back and it's my fault. I gritted my teeth at the thought of loosing her. I looked down at my rippled reflection in the water and hated the person who appeared. This pink haired figure staring back, couldn't be me. This person was cold, broken and falling apart. I looked away and continued walking, Lucy's last words to me echoing in my head.


"Natsu, you have to promise me. Promise me that you'll let me go, promise me you won't hurt yourself trying to reach me, promise me that you will wait for me, because I will come back. If anything were to happen to you on my account, I could never forgive myself." Lucy's soft words broke me apart, I can't let her get taken by these people.

"Lucy, no. I can't let you—"

"NATSU..." Lucy looked down in frustration, "do you promise?" She asked with tears forming in her eyes.


"Do you promise!" She interrupted me again.

"Y-yes, I promise."

"Good." She pulled me in for one final embrace before disappearing behind the guild hall doors.


I promised her I wouldn't go after her at my own risk, but I can't stand by while she's trapped in the clutches of those Raven tail bastards.

After walking for a few more minutes I arrived in front of Lucy's apartment, it always seemed happy with an ambiance of joy. But now it was empty, robbed of its joy and replaced with the stench of regret. I sat on Lucy's unmade bed, the familiar softness subdued me into a false sense of happiness, expecting Lucy to walk out of the bathroom in a robe and start yelling at me for intruding. I smiled thinking about it, I couldn't help but visit, my life was made a little brighter when I am in the presence of the strong, daring, surprisingly angry, Lucy Heartfillia. My smile faded when I opened my eyes to see a once bright room drowned in shadows and loneliness. I was momentarily distracted by the fact that I was alone in Lucy's apartment and there was no way she could jump out from behind a bookshelf and Lucy kick me in the face. I slowly walked over to Lucy's desk and opened a drawer, I pulled out the folder full of papers, some organized and some not. On the cover was: 'Lucy's book draft 1 DO NOT READ OR I WILL PERSONALLY KILL YOU!' Written in Lucy's hand writing. I paused, wondering if I should really open it. What if it's not what I expect, what if it's not what I want it to be. I shook my head and began to peal back the cover of the folder revealing a bunch of words on a page.

Chapter One: A New Beginning

My life was a lonely one, until I met him. Sometimes the thing that changes your life forever happens unexpectedly, and that's exactly what happened. I—

My eager reading was interrupted by the door swinging open and slamming against the wall. The utter dismay caused me to unwillingly throw the pages up into the air where they  fluttered down like giant snowflakes. My head bolted towards the door, Gajeel stood menacingly in the doorway with his usual scowl.

"I thought you'd be here." Gajeel grumbled as he briskly passed me and sat in a nearby chair. As I looked down at the floor littered with unorganized papers I began to panic.

"Now she's going to know I was looking! I'm dead, I'M DEAD!" I yelled as I scrambled to pick up the pages and shove them back in the folder.

"Oh shut up Pinky, we have stuff to do." Gajeel grunted as I sheepishly walked over and sat on the bed.

"What do you mean 'we have stuff to do?'" I asked as Gajeel rolled his eyes.

"Are you really that dense? They've got our girls." He tightened his fist as he said this.

"L-Lucy is not my girl, she...I mean we..." I stumble over my words as Gajeel glared at me.

"You're kidding me, right? You know what, that doesn't matter! We have to get Levy and Lucy back!" Gajeel sneered.

"We can't," I looked down, "we'd blow the whole operation and risk everything."

"Since when have you done what you've been told?" Gajeel chuckled.

"Why are you asking me for help?" I asked.

"I don't need you! Don't think that I wasn't going to do this on my own, because I was." Gajeel yelled as he stood to his feet before retracting back to his seat.

"Then why are you here?" I asked as Gajeel looked me in the face.

"I need your cat."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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