She is a What? | Chapter 3

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"I Agree," Urushihara says, then he goes back to his computer while you sit in his lap as he slowly strokes your (h/c) Fur.

Ashiya suddenly turns around and stares at Urushihara with a slight smirk.

"What is it Ashiya, I know you're staring at me," Urushihara says while having a quick glance at Ashiya.

" We were told that we all need to take care of (y/n) and so we will, I am Buying the food and other pet supplies for her and Maou and getting money to help with that and you..." Ashiya Says but he was interrupted.

" CAN'T YOU DO MORE THAN THAT!!" Urushihara says.

"I am doing an already, plus (Y/n) Seems to like you the most, " Ashiya Says.

(Sigh) "Fine, Whatever," Urushihara says as he smashes his keyboard, trying to kill Little Mushrooms in Maplestory.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

For 3 Months things have been the same, Urushihara would take care of you and sometimes get scolded for being on his computer too much by Ashiya and sometimes Maou, You being you and Sleeping with Urushihara.

~~~In The Apartment, while Ashiya is Cooking Dinner and is waiting for Maou to come home from work~~~~

Its dinner time for you and Urushihara is just on his Computer doing nothing, so you decide to get out from his lap and claw at him lightly saying you need something.

"Huh, What?" Urushihara asks you while not looking away from his computer.

You Turn your head to look at your food bowl and Urushihara turns his head to wear your looking and then turns his head back to the COMPUTER.(I don't know why I put that in caps, sorry, XD)

"Hold On," Urushihara says as he smashes his keyboard.

You keep pawing at him, and you try pawing him at his back.

"Urushihara feed (Y/n)," Ashiya says as he is making dinner.

"Ok Ok I am going," Urushihara says as he finds a safe spot in his game (Maplestory).

Urushihara Suddenly gets up and as he accidentally Trips on your Tail and he falls, and you Turn into your Neko Form.

"MeOW, hey watch where your stepping please," You say while in a bit of pain.

"Ow, I'm sorry if your tail was in the wa......y...WHO ARE YOU?" Urushihara Yells, well the last part he yells.

"Wait who are you?" Ashiya says realizing there is a random girl in his home/Apartment with Cat ears and a Tail.

"It's me (Y/n), See," You say as you turn back into a cat then back to Neko Form.

"Wait, Does this mean you are possibly from Ente Isla?" Urushihara and Ashiya Ask at the same time.

"Yea...Its a long Story...JUST PLEASE DON'T KICK ME OUT, PLEASE I LIKE IT HERE," You say Begging for you to be able to stay.

" Well When Maou Gets Home, We will have to Discuss this," Ashiya Says.

Then The Door Opens.


That's Chapter 3!!!! I hope U like it so far and sorry it took sooooooooooooooo long, I have a lot of things to do so...yeah...MAPLESTORY...Play it 's amazing and if you go to the rebooted server in MapleStory and choose channel #8 or 4, you might see me and you can talk to me if you like...My name in the Game is Kyokosamisou. ...Enjoy?

IDK when the next chapter is coming so sorry.....

A question of the chapter: If you Play Maple Story, Whats your Name, Level, and Character Type?

Name: Kyokosamisou

Character Type: Demon Slayer

Level So Far: 105

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