How about a Maid Cafe? | Chapter 4?

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The door opens and Maou and Emi appear.

"Immmmm...." Maou was stopped in his track by the site of a stranger with ears and a tail in his apartment. 

"H-Hi Maou," You say Nervously.

"Hi, um who are you? And are your ears and tail real?" Maou asks surprised and curiously.

"I-It's me (Y/N), y-your cat, and yes the ears and tail are real," You say still nervous about what will happen. 

"So your saying that you tricked us into thinking you were a normal cat so you can have a place to live," Maou says with some seriousness in his voice. 

"N-No It was nothing like that, let me tell you what actually happened," You say  with a hint of nerviousness in your voice. 

" Then please explain," Maou responds as he sits down.

Emi takes a seat as well.

You sigh. "Im from Ente Isla, and I was being chased my people since Nekos are not welcomed in the area I was in. I saw that gate and ran towards it hopeing to find a better life where ever the portal takes me, just as I was so close to making it to the portal one guy threw a knife at me and scraped my leg, but I did make it through the portal before it closed. I came into this world and I had to turn myself into a cat so people would not know what I really was. My limp body came across Ashiya and him and Urushihara both helped me. I stayed for a while and got attached to you guys, and just feared this day when you would find out. Im so sorry. If you want me to leave then I can. "

" Oh....I see..: Maou says as he takes all of what you said in.

"So,can she stay or no?" Urushihara asks.

"Hmm....mmm...Fine," Maou says after a bit of thinking.

"WHAT!?!?!" Emi yells.

Maou sighs. "Is there somethign wrong with my desision?"

"Clearly, you cant have a girl live here with 3 guys!" Emi says.

"UGHHHHHHHH," Maou responds.

"How about she lives with me instead that would be better," Emi suggests.

You just kept moving your head back and forth looking at Maou and then Emi and back to Maou.

"Fine," Maou agrees.

"Alright then its settled, (Y/N) is going to live with me," Emi says.

"YAY! Thank you so much!" You say with excitement.

" but, you have to get a job to help pay for rent and you have to help clean up," Emi says.

"Of course!" You say while saluteing Emi.

"I have an idea," Urushihara says.

"Urushihara has a idea, wow. Thats amazing for a neet like him," Ashiya says with a chuckle.

"I AM NOT A NEET!" Urushihara yells in anger. 

"Whats your idea?" You say while tilting your head.

"Since you are a neko, maybe you can get a job at a Maid cafe, there is one nearby that requires the maids to wear cat attire." Urushihara says.

"Thats actually a smart idea, what is this place called?" Maou says with curiosity.

"Its called Parayuni, its a few blocks away from where you work actually," Urushihara responded.

"That job sounds perfect! Yay!," You say with a huge warm smile. You hug Urushihara." Thank you!"

You detach from Urushihara, with a slightly  pink face. While Urushiharas face was very pink.

"No problem," Urushihara says while trying to hide his face. "Umm I'll get the exact location so you can apply,"

"hehe yay!" You say with a few claps.


Sorry that I have not posted in years, but here is something. Ill try to write more. Enjoy what you have.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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