Is That A No?

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AN: Greetings again fellow Wattpadians! I was just watc-I mean RESEARCHING! And I came across the video above^ And as soon as I watched it, My mind screamed in awe: I MUST WRITE THIS!!! And so... Here I am!

So without further ado...

Earth 1: STAR Labs: Time Vault:

Soft music was playing in the background as two heroes danced in the place where they first kissed a year prior.

As a song ended a new one started, but this one unlike the last ones, was special. Written by Barry Allen The opening notes of "Running Home To You" started to fill the room. (AN: In this story Barry didn't sing to iris, he just proposed.)

After kissing Kara, Barry started singing as they swayed to the music.

Kara's POV:

As Barry finished singing and the music stopped. He steps back and pulls out a ring box as he kneels down and speaks. "Kara Zor-El, The past year we've been together has been the best year of my life, And I know that it's because your apart of it. Whenever I'm with you I can't stop myself from smiling, and I don't want to. And If you'll allow it, I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you. Cause I love you. So, will you make me the happiest man in the multiverse and Marry me?"

...Marry me? The words echoed in my mind. These two simple words shocked me more than any blast from Livewire could.

Of course I feel the same, But ever since Krypton died I've never dreamed I would ever be in this position. With someone wanting to spend the rest of their life with me... To stay by my side through everything life could throw at us.

And yet here I am, And I don't know what to do... Well of course I do! I want to say: Yes, to squeal it with udder Glee! To shout it from the sky! ...But, It scares me.

It scares me that this is all just a sweet dream, That I'm gonna wake up from any minute and realize... No-one loves me enough to ask to spend their life with me.

But... As I look into Barry's eyes... I know. That's the farthest thing from the truth. And so I answer,

"Y-" But suddenly! There's a bright light, And it's like waking up from a beautiful dream.
(Earth38) I open my eyes and Barry and his proposal and that strange bubble room are gone. And replaced by the emptiness of my apartment and the silence that hangs in the air...


Barry's POV:

Never has the time passed slower than now, as I wait for Kara's answer. Every microsecond feels like hours. Every nanosecond feels like days.

She looks thoughtful as she bites her lip, And then I see the decision in her eyes. This is it! I've already decided that even if she says no, I won't give up! We've got all the time in the multiverse.

"Y-" Kara starts to answer, But suddenly! Almost too fast for me to see anything but a Flash of light. A breach opens behind Kara and sucks her in. I leaped forward to follow her but as fast as the breach opened, it closed. Leaving me on the floor of the Time Vault Dreadful and Karaless.

Get it? Like in the show?

Still STAR labs: Still Barry's POV:

I immediately jumped up and Flashed to the cortex where Cisco and Caitlin were. ⚡🏃

"Cisco!" I yelled as soon as I stopped.

"Barry? I thought it was your and-" Cisco started confused.

"CISCO!" I yelled interrupting him, "A breach sucked up Kara!" I explained panicked.

Panic flickered across Cisco's face only to go back to confusion. "Doesn't she have her Inter-dimensional Extrapolator?" He asked confused.

"Well, Yeah." Well now I feel like an idiot. All she has to do is push the Extrapolator and she can breach back! But I still can't shake this feeling that something really bad is gonna happen...

"But she could still be in trouble. I mean what are the odds that a random breach just randomly opens and randomly sucks in the most powerful woman in the multiverse?" I asked, dread growing by the second.

"...Good point." Cisco realizes and immediately starts standing up. "I'll need-" He starts only for me to interrupt him by placing Kara's favorite cup in his hand to vibe. "Okay." He says as he starts to vibe. "She's In her apartment, she doesn't seem in danger, she just looks upset." He translates before sitting back down. "Seems like you might've done something to upset her and she went back home." Cisco concluded.

"Barry what happened?" Caitlin asked softly, speaking for the first time since I came in.

"I proposed..." I whispered dejectedly. Well now I know why it feels like I have an anvil in my stomach... 

"Oh Barry..." Caitlin said softly, as she came over and hugged me.

"Sorry man..." Cisco said sympathetically as he patted my shoulder.

"I don't get why she would just leave..." I started depressed. "I mean, I feared for a No, and I hoped for a Yes... But, nothing? That's just not like Kara." I spoke confused.

"Maybe she freaked?" Cisco offered puzzled.

"No, Kara doesn't run from anything, she faces it head on. And I didn't even see her touch the Extrapolator! Something's wrong... I'm gonna go talk to her." I explained worriedly, I had to talk to Kara.

"Want me to breach you?" Cisco offered.

"Nah, I could use the run to gather my thoughts." I declined. What am I even gonna say to Kara?...

And with that I Flashed into the accelerator to breach to Earth 38 Ignoring the dread I felt growing...


Well I hope you enjoyed it! Seeing as I didn't sleep at all last night so I could post this!

God bless all!

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