The Wall...

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AN: Well since you wanted more I give you more! Well I actually would have finished this anyway, But it would have taken a lot longer! In case anyone was wondering, HR and Tracy are on a date so that's why they weren't with Cisco and Caitlin. Also A big thanks to KryptonianPotato for helping me with this story. So AFTER you read this you should go check out their stories.

Now without further ado!


STAR Labs: The Accelerator: Barry's POV:

Even though I knew something was wrong, I kept running. I blamed the pit in my stomach on anxiousness and nerves.

Even though I knew I was running fast enough to breach, I kept running. I blamed it on my lack of focus and worry.

Even as I saw a breach starting to form, I- ran into a wall?

*BAM!* As if running into a literal wall I was knocked off my feet. The force of the "Wall" in addition to the force from how fast I was running was enough to send me flying through the air, bouncing off a physical wall, and crashing into the floor.

Kinda like Wally does here:

"...Ugggghhhh..." I groaned as I lay there, too exhausted to move. 'What happened?!' Although my body was unresponsive my mind was a flurry of panicked confusion. A bleary glance up informed me neither a new wall nor the breach I attempted to make was anywhere to be seen.

"Barry! Barry are you okay?! What happened?!" I could faintly hear Caitlin in my ear. Huh? Oh! The comms!

Willing my enhanced healing to work faster. I weakly pushed my comm: "That hurt..." I mumbled.

"Fwew! Thought you passed out for a second there! What happened Barry?" Cisco asked relieved and beyond confused.

"I don't know" I started as I struggled to get up. "But something is very, very wrong."😨


E38: Kara's apartment: Kara's POV:

After getting over my initial shock of one second Barry proposing and the next standing in my apartment, I immediately pulled out my Inter-dimensional Extrapolator. I need to get back to Barry and tell him yes! I pushed the button... And nothing. Panicking slightly I pushed the button again holding it down when The Extrapolator starts to spark and smoke. And then, in a Flash of blue light it disappeared! Fudge! 'Mmm fudge would be good right now... FOCUS!' I flew out my window to the DEO with one thought in mind... 'Something is very, very wrong...'


STAR Labs: Cortex: Cisco's POV:

"Yeah somethings wrong you just did a flying flip into the wall and landed on on your Butt!" I joked trying to figure out exactly HOW he managed to do a flying flip through the air.

Interrupted from my pondering by a swift smack upside the back of my head, courtesy of one Caitlin Snow.

"Ow!" I whined in annoyance.

"Cisco!" Barry exclaimed frustrated, finally managing to stand... almost. "I need you to breach me to Kara's apartment." His tone broke no argument, but even I could hear the panic evident in his voice. As Caitlin shot me a worried look.

"I'm on it!" I answered already standing and feeling the tingling of multidimensional energy. And then... Nothing. No breaches anywhere. Trying again I could feel resistance and focused all my energy against it.

*BAM* like a force push I was thrown back into the wall just like Barry.

"Cisco!" Caitlin exclaimed, as she ran over to see if I was okay... I wasn't.

Hearing the commotion, Barry (who was okay enough to run, cautious of any invisible walls) Flashed into the cortex.

"Cisco, What happened?!" Barry asked as soon as he stopped and took off his cowl.

"Shh!" I shushed him as Caitlin helped me to my chair so she could look at my head. "My head hurts..." I whined.

"That's because you've got a concussion." Caitlin supplied helpfully.

"Exactly! So no yelling!" I yelled...Oops...

"What happened?" Barry asked again, this time thankfully quieter.

"I was gonna open a breach like you said, and I felt some kinda resistance, like I hit-" I explained when Barry and I chorused: "A wall... "

"That's what happened in the accelerator! It felt like I hit a wall!" Barry exclaimed.

"More like bounced off..." I grumbled. "Anyway whatever it is it's keeping us from breaching." I concluded.

"Well we need to figure out a way to fix this!" Barry said frustrated, while pacing. Though the pacing was turning into a blur of red.

"Dude I can't think with you burning a hole in the floor over there." I gestured to the seat across from me once he stopped.

Taking the seat opposite from me we started brainstorming.

After a few minutes of thinking of possible scenarios and dismissing them, I realized the most likely case.

"What if the Dominators figured out Kara was from another dimension and sent a device that blocks us from going to her earth?" I asked in panic.

All our eyes widened in panic and fear at my theory.

Before we could properly check for any sign of the Dominators, there was a Flash of yellow and red and The Reverse Flash was standing in front of us!

Barry was standing in a nanosecond with hatred in his eyes. Caitlin was full on Frost hands smoking from the ice ready to freeze. And I had vibrations to shoot at the ready. But nobody attacked cause we knew he was responsible for the inter-dimensional wall.

"Always were the smart one huh Cisco?" Eobard said after removing his cowl. "Only, The Dominators are long gone... For now." He taunted.

"I'm not even gonna ask how your alive this time." I said glaring at him.

"Hmm... Smart choice. Cause if I told you, Then of course I'd have to kill you." He mocked. Referencing the time we watched The Hounds Of Baskervilles when he was impersonating Dr. Wells.

"Well you already did that! So instead, how about you tell me how your blocking us from breaching?" I sneered, 2 minutes talking to him and I'm already painfully reminded why he disgusts me.

"Ah, But don't you like it! It's an anniversary gift to Barry and Kara!" He exclaimed in sick Glee.

"Don't. Touch. Her." Barry growled stepping forward rage barely contained.

"Oh but you won't touch her!" He threw Barry's words back in his face. "You see, since you don't marry Iris, my timeline doesn't exist anymore!" He snarled like an animal, then he laughed! "So now, I'm gonna stay here, and make your life miserable." He said with a twisted smile. And with that, he was gone.


AN: Okay so... What do ya think? Eh? Eh? Well now you need to go read KryptonianPotato's stories on here and

And remember God made you special, and he loves you very much.

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