The Enemy Falls?

497 14 11

Greetings again! I hope this chapter finds you well! Also Eobard no longer looks like Harrison Wells.

Meanwhile on Earth 38: DEO: Kara's POV:


I got to the DEO seconds later, And made a beeline for J'onn's office. Shortly after bursting though the doors I paused noticing Winn standing across from J'onn talking and gesturing wildly. J'onn immediately stopped shaking his head at whatever Winn was saying and gave me a slightly puzzled look, While Winn paused mid gesture and turned to look at me confused.

"Kara? I thought you were spending the week with-" J'onn started to ask when I interupted.

"Something's wrong!" I blurted out borderline frantic.

J'onn's face morphed (hehe, Get it?) from slight puzzlement to seriousness in an instant. While Winn looked worried and... Still confused.

"What happened?" J'onn asked gravely while standing.

"I don't know!" I exclaimed frustrated.

"I was over at STAR Labs with Barry, and he proposed! But before I could say yes, I was sucked back here! And when I tried to use the extrapolater, it started sparking and then it vanished!" I explained full on frantic.

"Wait. Back up a second, Barry proposed! That's awesome!" Winn exclaimed not even registering the reason why I'm here.

"Agent Schott!"

J'onn and I chorused in annoyance.

"Right! Sorry!" Winn winced. "Anyway if you were spit out of Earth 1 and the extrapolater fizzed out, Then that probably means something or someone is keeping you from going to Earth 1." Winn theorized, thoughtfully worried.

"If that's true, How can we fix it?" I asked, panic replaced with determination.

"Well if that is indeed the case, then it would need to cover all of Mr. Allen's universe." J'onn started 12% of a plan loaded.

"And something that big would be visible to the multiverse! I can program one of our satellites to scan for any kind of barriers between us and earth 1! If there's anything, I'll find it." Winn said determined before striding purposely to his desk.


Earth 1: Central City: Barry's POV:

As soon as I noticed Thawne starting to run I took off after him. He ran straight out of the labs fazing through walls until he was outside. By the time we were outside of STAR Labs I had already caught up and started attacking him. Finally the training sessions with Oliver were paying off. We ran all over the city trading blows, I couldn't properly hit him while he was trying to get away. 

'If I could land one solid hit it might slow him down enough to subdue him.' I theorized mentally. With a plan in mind I focused on keeping pace and dodging blows, waiting for an opening.

Finally after hours for us but only seconds in normal time, we had ran down every street and alley in the city countless times and that's when I saw my opening. Thawne was getting frustrated with every failed punch, and with that frustration came sloppiness.

After he threw a punch directed for my face, I grabbed his arm and kneed him in the testicles followed by throwing him onto his back. He sat up and attempted to punch me in the gut but I caught his fist and broke his wrist, followed by uncountable speed punches to the face and torso. I paused to demand he disable the wall around Earth 1, but before I could a breach opened under him and he disappeared...


Earth 1: STAR Labs: Cisco's POV:

As soon as Thawne took off Barry was after him. And I immediately got to work turning on the tracker in the (coveted) Flash suit while Frost started pacing furiously. 

"I got a lock!" I exclaimed, While Frost came to look. 

"Damn he is booking it!" I thought out loud, 'Barry's never gone this fast before... Hmm I wonder-' A freezing hand smacked me out of my musings.

"Sorry!" I apologized with hands raised in a surrender gesture, Wary of accidentally directing Frost's rage towards me.

"Oh! He's stopped at an abandoned warehouse on 37th street!"

"Hurry up and breach us!" Frost ordered Annoyed. 

'Frost's probably in a hurry to fight Thawne. And Caitlin's probably in a hurry to help Barry... FOCUS!'

"Okay! Okay!" I exclaimed narrowly dodging the next frosted smack, while I stood up.

"Hope this works..." I mumbled nervously as I cautiously started to pull on some multidimensional energy to open a breach to where Barry was fighting Thawne. Much to my relief it opened without throwing me into a wall. Hmm must be cause I'm not trying to leave Earth 1... And with that final thought I jumped through the breach followed immediately by Frost.


Earth 1: Abandoned Warehouse: Barry's POV: 

'What happened! I was just about to get some answers!' I thought in rage before punching the wall. In my haze of rage I barely registered Caitlin putting a hand on my shoulder. Wait... Caitlin?

"I think that's enough punching for today..." Caitlin said softly. I nodded wordlessly as I turned to face them.

"You think!" Cisco exclaimed, as he came walking over. "I mean I don't think he was even conscious anymore!" Cisco joked, Only to be smacked again by Caitlin.

"OW! What is it Smack Cisco Day!?" Cisco yelled half joking half serious, as he held his head dramatically.

I chuckled, leave it to Cisco to make a joke in the immediate aftermath of a battle... Cisco! He must have breached Thawne to a cell!

"Cisco! Did you breach Thawne?" I asked confused, If Cisco breached Thawne, maybe he disabled Thawne's wall!

"Uh, Duh!" Cisco said like it was obvious. "I mean wh-" 

"So you disabled Thawne's wall?" I interrupted excitedly. 

"Wait, no. I don't even know where to start with that can of worms!" Cisco exclaimed embarrassed. 

"But I thought-" I started gesturing to where Thawne was confusedly. 

Cisco's eyes widened in realization. "Oh, Sorry man. But Thawne's wall is around our Universe, That's why I can still breach and you can still run, but can't leave Earth 1." Cisco explained sympathetically.

"Oh... Well at least we have Thawne." I said trying to be optimistic.

"Yeah, Now all we have to do is make Thawne disable his wall and then you and Kara can be reunited! Things aren't so bad." Caitlin agreed smiling.

I smiled, No matter what I'd find a way back to Kara.

"Your right." I agreed, But suddenly almost like when Grodd tried to mind control me, my head started pounding. I could faintly make out Kara and some incomprehensible sentences. And then...  Nothing...


AN: Just to let you know I'm gonna try my hand at beta reading so if anyone reading this needs a beta for a ZorAllen story send me a message. ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ

Bless you!

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