Chapter 6

46 4 0

June 1,2015

So the teachers had decided to do the practices every day after school start from 2.30 p.m until 5.30 p.m .

Even though I felt slightly against the idea but I guess It's better to hold my evening nap habit for a while rather than wake up early on saturday freaking morning.

So I am so damn nervous today!!! Im breathing hard while im writing this diary baby. In out. In out.In out. Okay stop. So let me tell you this.

Dylan Hardey is standing beside me in the middle of the second line. I repeat again.
I end up standing beside DYLAN HARDEY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SECOND LINE!! Did you get that?! Gosh I almost fainted standing beside him.

I guess I lost my balanced a few times every time our shoulder bumped. I hope he didn't saw it how my whole face is red and im talking like a stupid robot.

I don't said that, but the bitch warned me for seconds time. You Saw that?! It's freaking 2 times I've been embarrased myself in front of him. I mean beside him.

One thing That made me hope the stage swallowed me right there was because he always turn his head to me whenever the teacher scolded me, probably because he wanted to see my reaction.

And yes I've been scolded a plenty of times today. All because of the some stupid things.

The main things was because my voice kept changing, my moved looked like a robot, my head dont move sync with the whole team. You get that while their head goes to the left I move my head to the right.Hell, im struggling okay. They just don't notice it.

And of course Mrs Loli was so pissed off of me. Shit.
Killed me and my pathetic moved.

I am the most not flexible figure person in the world. Even all the boys can do better than me, when it comes about move any part of your body things. Or what people call it dance.

Don't get me wrong I love the idea of dance but I hate it in the practical way. Because I don't born to dance or anything related to that.Of course I'd try it before, but it just not a Ria thing.You get that?

Somehow im still wonder what was my real talent. Maybe my talent is that Im always made the happiness glowed in everything i mean im looking for happiness in every little things that people don't see it was actually there. Because I love happiness.

Okay, so back to the preactice story. I thought Elisa was as bad as me. The not flexibles things I mean. But shit she was not.

Maybe she secretly practicing the move because last time I checked we both were that what you called the not flexible human being.

Or again maybe it just because the evil Loli hated me so much because she kept fixed her eyes on me. I dont made up the story, because I seriously saw her evil eyes was on me all the times. Oh how im so happy for the overly attention there. Note the sarcasm.

But still,Dylan talking to me was the best part of the day .He was like the light in the darkest bad day.Or a beutiful butter to make a beutiful cake.umm cake metaphor is not suitable.
I know im just over reacting. He just said im doing good.

But I still wondered did I?


Elisa pov:

Poor Ria baby. I can't believed I heard Mrs Loli scolded her most of the time during the practice that day. Burdened surely as big as the sign at the tasty donut shop for her .What? I love their donut okay.

So yeah me and Ria we had same imperfections.Yes, I called it that. We are not the flexible figures.

But I think she the worst. But seriously who found it hard to move their head and body to the left and right? And add a sync moved with the other? I don't need to do a practice for such things Ria.

It's naturally happen for everyone. But maybe maybe you just special, in odd way. Haha

But later, I saw you doing pretty good though. I know you just to logic with your logically thinking that you find it stupid to moved your body like a jelly while talking.Trust me, me too.

But later that on, I should said it's worth it to participated in this Competition huh. Am I right Happy girl? You don't said it to me, but i'd saw it all written on your face. The fact that you're actually enjoying it.


Authors note:
first of all thank you for whoever spend their time reading my not so interesting book.💜

how do you think about this story so far?
Im just wondering hoho. So Ria was surely had a problem with her 'not flexible thing'.
and Elisa she just a straight thinker while Ria had a complicated mind can you tell that?
That's what make them different.

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