Chapter 15

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Today, is the day. We were awake at 4 am. to get ready for the competition. Now I was in my uniform already.

I can't believe I am wearing a guy shirt. I mean a random guy shirt that I don't even know who he is.

The teacher had decided since last week for us to wear a yellow long sleeve collared dress shirt where we only can see that from the school prefects.

So,yeah one of my friend asked her boyfriend who is a school prefects to lend me his shirt. Gosh! I am feeling guilty wearing someone elses boyfriend shirt.

I don't know why the teachers make the uniform so complicated. With the long skirt that I borrowed too, make me tripped over a couple of times now make me so irritated with this attire.

But,yeah again it's a once in a blue moon events so the teacher really wanted to make us looked decent.
Last night we had put on our attire in practices. I love to looked at the boys Though, they looked so cool with the long sleeves shirt and a trousers add the black shoe and the bow tie, it's perfect.

For girls the teachers wanted us to put a wax on our hair. So it will make our hair sticked hard. To prevented even a strand of hair to fall to our forehead.
My scalp was throbbing in pain due to the too much hair clip and too tight bun hairstyle. I looked like a receptionist now. Haha.

-Night time- (Ria in her house)

finally it's end. Im not sad because we got number 5. I already know where we should be. Of course im not shocked. Plus im targetting we supposed to be in the last place but what can I say is, miracle can happens haha.

We beat 3 more schools because there's eight different schools who take part in this competition. The Pine boy school got the first place.
So, Probably because their voices is so strong and their body was just perfect. I mean their body Movement and gesture is perfect.

But I think because their school got a lot of pine

They syncronized perfectly with each other.
Plus they're too hot for a choral speaking group. Don't get me wrong I don't drooling over them or fangirling over them because hell! city boy was so arrogants. Dylan is an exception.

They look at us like we from a jungle.What are we tarzan? They even smirk at us when the judges want to announced the winner.
I really wanted to throw my shoes at their faces one by one and add a smacked to their head.

Hell I can't stand bitchiness.
I never thought guy can be a freaking bitch.

I didn't sat beside Dylan in the auditorium. Because the teachers divided the boys and girls seats. Mrs Loli want us to get to our line from the left and right side of the stage.
She want it to looked arrangeable. For once I'd agreed with her.

Im doing good too maybe.The auditorium was massive that I have to give my whole voices in my part. Due to the too much practices the whole time Before the competition I lost my voice.

But yeah I managed to let out my voice that causes so much pain in my throat now.

Today evening I walked home with Dylan from school. I didn't bother to asked mom to fetch me from school eventhough I had a lot of things with me.
I just want to walked and talked with Dylan because after this we have 1 week of school break. Boring.

I realized something. Maybe he likes me too. because I always stand for the phrases 'eyes cannot lies' and I can see it in his eyes.
His eyes was sparkling everytime he looked at me.

And when he smiled it's looked so warm,and attracted.

I like him Diary.


Elisa pov:

The competition day! I greatly agreed with Ria about the all boy school group. They were so arrogant and bitch. I don't like the way their eyes on us.

So like Ria said we didn't got a place but yeah I am happy. We had put our best and we were inexperienced so we pround of ourself.It's one of the beautiful experienced though.

I remember later that night they created a 'whatapps' group for the school choral speaking team.

Ria hated that group. why? Let's see what she going to tell us about that one.

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