Gamer! Reader X Funtime Freddy

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I went to a scull camp and i am tired. Does thou'eth no da wae'eth.

Freddy is FREAKING yelling at me from across the room, Fred chill man CHILL, JUST CHILL. "Fred man I gotta gamin' thing going on so plez don't keel me," I call out to the bear, "What is keel and why do you sound like a kid on steroids?" Funtime Freddy asks. I frown and rub my temples, I look back up and see the bear smiling at me from a meter away, "Keel is like kill, and I haven't gotten any sleep from last night," I reply, "Ooh," Bon-Bon says rolling his eyes. I get into a super syan pose and flames arise "EXPELIAMAS BITCH!" I yell and burn him, "YEET YER DED!".

"Awwww man..." Funtime Freddy whines throwing his controller into the wall, "Don't ruin the wall otherwise I take you back to the breaker room," I say to the bear next to me on the couch.

I am trash... welp request and yeah see youz laterz.

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