Chapter 3

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For a second, Josh's thoughts strayed to his mother. What if he told her all that happened to him? But no, he couldn't bear to worry her like that. And if he did tell her, she would tell his father and that would cause the man even more stress than he already had. It would be selfish to inform them.
Smack. He heard the sound of Hansol's hand across his face before he registered the sensation. Oh my word. He closed his eyes and bit his lip. He didn't want the other to mistake any of his sounds for something they were not.
"Did that feel good?" Hansel whispered cruelly, eyes practically eating Josh up from head to toe.
"You look so fucking cute like this. Wanna see?" He fished his cellphone out of his pocket and took a picture, saving it before he turned the device around for Josh to see.
He was met with his own wide, frightened stare, lips parted and hair disheveled and a welt rising on his cheek. Oh dear. How did it somehow look so dirty?
He blushed and looked away, closing his eyes and wishing it was just a bad dream.
He heard another click and then he was smacking the phone from Hansol's hand and it was flying across the room.
The slap this time was not as experimental as the last one. It was a backhand, meant to hurt.
Josh kept his mouth shut but his body reacted, back arching against his will and he hissed.
"See? I bet you would love to get my cock in your mouth, in your ass. Wouldn't you, Jisoo?" He gripped the boy's soft cheeks and forced him to meet his gaze. Jisoo swallowed hard.
He was offended. And when Josh was offended he tended to revert to speaking English so no one would be hurt.
"You're a crazy, messed up son of a bitch." He couldn't believe he used language like that, but he couldn't help it. Surely God would forgive him.
There was a long pause where they just stared at each other, before Hansol leaned down very slowly and gripped Josh's hair, their faces a centimeter apart. The breath in Josh's ear made him shiver, the lips moving against the soft skin of his jaw.
"You just never learn, do you?" Hansol hissed, to Josh's utter shock, in perfect English. What?
"Oh, surprised are we?" Hansol laughed. "Cute. Now look what you've done. You've made me angry, and I'm done playing around."
To Josh's horror, he pulled a razor blade from his pocket, lifting up Josh's wrist.
"No, don't, please I'm sorry, don't -" Josh writhed, trying to get away from that blade. He felt horrible enough when he used it on himself, but having some one else do it...
"Don't worry. All you have to do is answer some of my questions and you won't get hurt. Now first." Hansol seemed to be searching for something on Josh's body, checking both his wrists and upper arms. Oh. Josh wanted so bad to cry.
"Where are your scars? Are they on your thighs?" He was already unbuttoning Josh's jeans and Josh sobbed, not wanting him to see what he was about to see.
Hansol yanked them down to the other's knees. "Damn. Who knew scars could be so fucking sexy." He was still speaking English.
Josh tried to cover his bare thighs and pulled his t shirt down over his exposed (sort of) parts. Even in boxers he felt naked and insecure.
"Adorable. Now then... Let's begin. If you want it so badly, why haven't you had someone fuck you unconscious?" He gripped Josh's thigh and leaned down, slowly dragging his tongue up the most prominent scar. Josh muffled his groan with a fist in his mouth, body heaving from just this little touch.
"I don't want -" Hansol cut him off before he could finish, piercing the same scar with the blade and holding it there, even as Josh screamed.
"Don't lie to me." He said calmly, and Josh was so dependant on the other's hand staying still and not dragging down the line of his drying saliva that he told him.
"Because I'm saving it for marriage." The blade was dropped and forgotten as Hansol threw his head back and laughed.
" Oh my God, honestly, could you get any more adorable?" He pressed his thumb to the tiny wound without warning and wiped the blood away, Josh instantly moaning. He had forgotten to keep quiet. Hansol laughed again.
"Poor little holy virgin is so kinky he liked getting sliced. What a good story. No one will believe me."
" I didn't like it! Stop saying that! " He knew he shouldn't have, but the words fell from his lips anyhow. He was screwed.
"Let's see now. I'm going to try one more thing before the bell rings and if you lie to me again, best believe you're getting more cuts than you already have whether you like it or not."
With that, Hansol's long fingers were snaking around Josh's neck. Oh my word. Jesus please don't let him. Why?
Hansol squeezed, fingers overlapping due to Josh's neck being so slender, thumbs pressing down on his bobbing Adam's apple. Josh's eyelids fluttered shut and he bit his lip, trying very calmly to breathe through his nose. It wasn't working. Slowly, slowly, his breathing became harder as the hands tightened, those hazel eyes on his face the entire time. Hansol had crawled back onto Josh's tummy, making it impossible to wriggle at all.
He was panting now, gasping out nonsensical pleas and prayers, a mix of Korean and English, small hands rising to rest on Hansol's wrists trying so weakly to get them off his throat. He was seeing stars and Hansol was whispering filthy things to him about how much he would love to hurt him more but they were running out of time, and Josh stopped asking him to quit because he was losing consciousness and and and-
The bell rang and Hansol removed himself, cackling as he looked down, not even giving Josh a chance to recover.
"See, you pathetic slut? You're hard." With that he was gone, still laughing as he shut the door.
Josh wept.

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