Chapter 4

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I went home that afternoon feeling shaken up and, even more than that, dirty. I avoided my mother and went straight to the shower, feeling the need to scrub down just as if it was Father Kim who had choked me.
But there was something different about the way it had felt, and I hated myself for it. This was all new to me, I had never felt pleasure like that before. I had certainly never touched myself and had never felt any good when I was touched, until then. Was it just because Hansol was so handsome? It didn't make sense, he was bad, he was wicked, he was cruel, and he was...I flushed. I ought not to think such things about him.
I put concealer on the bruises on my face and neck just like I had gotten used to doing before heading downstairs for supper.
My mother was just setting the table for five.

"Company?" I asked. I was totally used to her hospitality by now so I wasn't annoyed when she nodded.

"Can you fill up glasses for me? They'll be arriving soon." I did as she asked. Dad would be home soon as well so that meant we had two guests.

"Who are they exactly?" I asked out of bored curiosity. She ruffled my hair before checking the chicken in the oven.

"A new woman I work with. Her son goes to your school now. They just moved." I nodded and smiled as I heard Dad's car pull up. I hope he wouldn't sense something was wrong; he was usually pretty good at that.

I waited until I heard the doorbell ring and then I waited in the living room as Mom and Dad went to the door.
To my surprise they both used English when they greeted the strangers and the woman's voice I heard answered in it as well.

"And you must be Vernon." My mom said and the boyish voice that replied sent a chill down my spine. It was him. Him.

All the following small talk that took place in the foyer was lost to my ears as I sat heavily on the couch in shock and terror. I didn't want to see him! I didn't want to eat dinner with him! It was hard enough pretending I was ok without him there, but having to be in his presence without a mental breakdown...was it even possible?

After what seemed like an age my father's voice broke my thought train of horrible scenarios.

"Josh come on, there's someone we want you to meet."

I made my way impossibly slow to the foyer, giving his mother a weak smile and bow eyes met with his.

He smiled at me with a fake innocence. I bowed to him as well, trying my best to keep my emotions hidden. I couldn't help the flush on my cheeks though.

"I'm Josh." I said coolly. He smiled so sweetly as he bowed. "Hello Josh hyung. I'm Vernon."

We sat down to eat and the next fifteen minutes were a torture I wouldn't want to relive. He sat across from me and made merry talk with my parents, as if he was a perfect angel and hadn't enjoyed choking me half to death not ten hours ago.

I tried my best to zone out and only just managed to answer his mom's questions about me. The whole thing had me sweating, especially when he kicked me under the table every now and then just to remind me that he was...thinking about me.
"...So Vernon what do you like to do in your free time?" I heard my dad ask.

"Oh, I play guitar and stuff..." Oh no. Knowing my dad...

"Oh really? Josh has got quite the instrument collection in the basement, maybe when we're finished eating he can show you, what cha say?" His goofy and friendly smile made me inwardly groan. I knew he would say that.

"Oh I would love that! Will you show me dude?" Vernon's voice was filled with boyish excitement, but his eyes held something so dark it made my heart hammer. Oh no...

"S-sure man." I choked out, quickly taking a gulp of cold water.

The rest of the time at the table flew by quickly and the adults rose as I quickly cleared the table and brought the dishes to the sink.

"Hey, would you like any help?" Vernon's voice rang out and I winced.
But my mother was right there, and his.
"Oh no no no, you boys run along, I can do the dishes for once Josh." Mom said with a warm smile and I tried to return it.

"Oh yeah, you were gonna show Vernon your guitar." My dad chimed in.

I had no choice but to lead him down the stairs. I had no idea what I was expecting, but I wasn't expecting what happened.

As soon as both of our feet hit the last step he had a hand clapped over my mouth and the other on my arm as he dragged me to the leather couch and pushed me down onto it, straddling my waist.

"Maybe we should finish off where we started, yeah?" He whispered against my throat before he laughed.

"I never got to do what I really wanted."

His hand came off my mouth but it was instantly replaced with his mouth.

I gasped against the kiss, shocked at how warm and sweet his lips tasted, so young, unlike the dry chapped kisses Father Kim gave me sometimes.
I tried to move my arms in a weak attempt to push him off but he laced our fingers together, pressing me farther into the cushions to get even closer to me, his body hot and hard on mine. I couldn't get him off even if I wanted to...wait what was I saying? Even if I wanted to?!
I turned my head to the side, our lips disconnecting with a dirty popping noise as I panted.
"Hansol, wait, I can't breathe-" He interrupted me with another searing kiss.

"That didn't seem to bother you earlier," He breathed, running one hand underneath my t shirt, brushing cool fingers against my hip. I shivered as he forced his tongue between my lips, moaning unintentionally once again as he licked every inch he could reach within my mouth. Oh. Oh oh oh.

It took me quite a while to realize that I was kissing him with just as much hunger, and when I did I stopped. I didn't want this.

Then he slid his hand further up my shirt and brushed his thumb against my nipple.

Oops. I arched my back, hips rising up and moving against his, causing me even more unexpected pleasure, and I mewled quietly.

"Aww, kitty. So cute." His voice was still mocking but I didn't care, allowing him to lift my shirt up and over my head.

"So cute." He repeated, running big hands all over my chest and tummy, head dipping to lick one of my nipples, the one his fingers hadn't just pulled.
I gasped again, legs involuntarily sliding up and down around his. He had undressed me but I was still hot and it was so different from the slimy old man at the church and I couldn't help it, forgive me God, for rubbing my hips against his eagerly.

"I'm gonna fuck you, Joshie. Gonna fuck you hard and make you come all over us like the filthy slut you are. Better say your prayers before we start."

*A/N* haha sorry for the cliffhanger but this chapter would be way too long with what's coming😏 anyway share and comment and I love you all❤ hope y'all had good Easters🐰

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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