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[ "Used throughout a room, orange can become surprisingly neutral, and yet it can be bright and mood-enhancing." - Jonathan Adler ]

The idea of having someone brighten your mood, no matter what caused it, confused Jungkook to no end. He never thought that he'd feel the need to have someone around so much just to make him happy. He started getting lonely at night and would text Seokjin randomly, seeing if he was up and if he was he'd have a conversation with him about nothing. One night Jungkook called him up crying on the phone. When asked why he was in tears, Jungkook cried more.

"I miss him, Seokjin," he admitted, pulling his knees to his chest. "I miss him so much, and I don't want to feel this way." The silence on the other end didn't help Jungkook at all. It made him feel more alone and he wanted to hide away from the world. The silence only lasted a minute before Seokjin spoke again, making Jungkook feel better.

"It's probably nothing but I, for some reason, have ice cream in my hands and a cold bed that I sleep in alone. If you don't mind I think I would like to come over and have you help me finish this off, maybe even warm me up a bit?"

Jungkook let out a choked sob, the smile growing on his lips as he nodded. "I wouldn't mind at all."

"I'll be there soon."

That night Jungkook and Seokjin ate the frozen dessert, the older male letting him cry in his arms when he needed to and they fell asleep in Jungkook's bed together. That happened a few weeks ago. Currently Jungkook was staring out his window, watching the storm clouds roll in although the weather forecast didn't say anything about rain. He waited for the rain to come but it didn't. His eyes traveled down until he saw a familiar face looking up at him. He opened the window and yelled out of it.


"Hey," he replied from the parking lot, a frown on his face.

"Come on up," Jungkook said, returning back into the house and waiting for Seokjin to knock on the door. When he heard it he opened it and moved so Seokjin could take off his shoes. "What brings you here without telling me first?" he asked. Seokjin only gave a shrug in reply, sitting down where Jungkook was previously sat. That's when Jungkook noticed something about the man. Not once has he given him a smile—not a small one or even a smirk. He received nothing and it kind of upset him. He set it aside though as he pulled up a chair next to him. "Anything on your mind?"

"No, not really."

"You're not smiling."

"Not everyone smiles all the time."

"You do." Seokjin remained silent and Jungkook pouted. It was obvious something was wrong but he wasn't sure if Seokjin was going to tell him. Jungkook wanted to know; if there was something wrong he definitely wanted to do his best to help him, after all he's done for him. "You know you can always tell me anything. I'll listen."

"I know, and thank you for that." Seokjin finally flashed something that could be thought of as a smile and Jungkook smiled back. Even if something was wrong, the little gesture that Seokjin attempted softened Jungkook's heart and made him worry less.

He wasn't exactly sure what it was, but even as Seokjin sat next to him, pouting at the cloudy sky, he seemed to emit light rays to Jungkook's eyes, blinding him. It was something he didn't fully understand and he wasn't sure if he even wanted to know. Seokjin wasn't doing anything that could make him happy—unless Seokjin just being Seokjin was making Jungkook''s feel warmth grow in the pit of his stomach. His fingers twitched and his heart did flips, a tingling sensation spreading from his head to his toes. Every time Jungkook's eyes landed on Seokjin, it was as if he was seeing him again for the first time. Over and Over again. A never ending meeting of two souls. It was perplexing. How could a man he's just recently met create such feelings inside of him? It was all confusing but, in the middle of it all, he didn't mind the craziness.

Between each chapter, a new one started and it started with Seokjin.

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