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     Okay, so I was thinking of starting something here. We [Miss Admin and I] have a lot of weird, random thoughts that go through our heads. Sometimes, we share them, and sometimes we just leave them unsaid because it wasn't really that important

     So, every now and then, I was thinking of posting one or two of our random thoughts... depending on how generous I'm feeling. Therefore, here is the first thought:

What if magic actually did exist? All stories have some truth to them, right? So, where are we getting all these stories about fairies and mystical creatures? I mean, yeah, some people can be really fucking creative! But, even creative people draw their inspiration from things that have happened or just things around them in general!
So, I ask, how did these stories come about? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I should probably do some stupid research, but I'm not.

And that's where I'll leave you all! You know, cause I'm evil, also because I want to know your opinions on this.....

Welp, I'm out... See y'all round, losers *sticks tongue out*



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