The Beginning

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Avatar Korra was walking through The streets of Republic City. She was going to the spirit portal, at the center of the city. There had been reports of a disturbance in the portal and Korra was sent to check it out.

Korra gazed at the portal as she made her way over to it. The portal resembled the two other portals in the North Pole and the South Pole, but this one was green and yellow. Korra had created this portal in her battle with Kuvera a few years ago.
As she walked slowly through the portal, Korra saw something very strange. It was a spirit, but it looked like Raava and Vaatu. This spirit was the same color as the portal, green and yellow. "Who are you?" Korra demanded.

"I am Zhong, the middle spirit!" he announced as he lunged at her. Korra sent a ball of fire towards Zhong, but it went right through him.

"Why are you attacking me?!" shouted Korra in frustration,"What do you want?"

Zhong jumped on top of her, pinning her to the ground. "I need your bending!"

"Get off me! You can't have my bending and I won't let you take it!" she yelled, sending a rock into Zhong's face. He moved away from her and she continued to chuck rocks his way. Zhong wrapped one of his long tentacles around one of Korra's legs and pulled her off her feet. Korra saw Zhong begin to glow and she started to feel weak. He's taking my bending! Korra struggled to stand up, but Zhong only tightened his grip on her leg. "No! You can't do this!" said Korra. Just then, her eyes began to glow white and her fists were in flames.

Before Korra could do anything, her flames shrank away into nothing and her eyes went back to normal. Zhong loosened his tentacle around her leg. Korra punched the air and stared at her hands in disbelief. "H-how did you do that?"she said, almost in tears, "you took my bending!"

"Your bending is now mine, and I will do what I wish with it!" as he said the last part, he whacked her into a boulder. Korra lay on the ground beside the boulder stunned, as Zhong approached her and delivered the final blow.


Somewhere in Republic City, there was a family with a son named Voido. The father was a firebender and the mother was an earthbender.
One night, four men broke into the house. The father started to fight the men and the mother went to Voido's room, where he was sleeping. She shook him, to wake him up.
"Voido, wake up!" She said, in a soft tone," Voido, hide!" and she ran out of the room.

Voido jumped out of bed and used his earthbending to make a hole in the floor. He jumped in, and closed the opening of the hole. After an hour or so, he came back to the surface. The whole house was silent and nobody was there. His parents were gone.
From that time on, he was living on the streets of Republic City.

Four years later, (making Voido twelve years old) he was walking across a street one day, when he felt a small rock hit the back of his head. He turned and saw three Triple Threat members standing on the sidewalk. Not these guys again. Why do they always feel the need to bother me.

"What do you guys want?"asked Voido.

"This is Triple Threat territory, and we want you to stay off our street, street rat." said a husky guy before one of them shot a rock at him. Voido easily punched the rock and it shattered to pieces.

"Who ever said this was your street?" Voido decided that it was pointless to fight these guys because they had a bigger advantage. So he started to run down the street, towards the spirit portal. A rock hit him in the back, pushing him into the portal.
When he went through the portal, into the spirit world, Voido saw the middle spirit floating in the portal. Voido opened his mouth to say something, but before he could say anything, Zhong said loudly, "You are worthy!"
Then the spirit flew strait into Voido, making him stagger back into the portal, fusing them together, forever.

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