The White Lotus

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Voido stood before the door of the White Lotus building. I wonder if this guy will even believe me when I tell him that I am probably the next Avatar. I mean, why do I need to tell this guy in the first place? This seems pointless...better just get this over with. Voido thought to himself, as he took a deep breath in and let it out as a long sigh. He raised his hand and gently banged on the door three times.

"Uhh hello? Are there any White Lotus members here?" said Voido, "I need to speak with you about something."

The door opened and revealed a tall man wearing a dark blue robe, with a scarf-looking cloth around his neck. It had the image of a White Lotus flower on it. He cocked an eyebrow at Voido for a moment, then asked, "How may I help you?"

Voido rubbed the back of his neck nervously because he had never spoken to anyone so official before. "I'm Voido...may I come in?"

"Certainly, follow me." said the man as he led Voido into the house. "Would you care for some tea?"

"Umm sure." responded Voido when they were walking into a room.

The room was wide and had a low table in the middle of the floor. Colorful cushions were laid around it and Voido sat on one. The man did the same, then began pouring tea into two small cups.

"So what is it that you wished to speak with me about, Voido?" he said as he finished pouring and handed Voido a cup.

Voido took a quick sip of his tea, then plainly stated, "Well, I think I might be the next Avatar. My friend thought I should tell you."

"Hmm, what makes you think that you are the next Avatar?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Voido cleared his throat, "Well, because I'm an earthbender, but yesterday I used waterbending...just watch."

The Lotus member watched as Voido moved a small pebble along the floor with earthbending, then pulled the tea out of his cup and formed it into a wobbly blob, using waterbending. He moved the blob around for a moment, before it splashed onto the table.

"Sorry," Voido apologized, "I cant really control it yet."

The member waved him off, "No worries. This only proves that you must, indeed, be the next Avatar. Have you been able to bend any of the other elements? Such as air or fire?"

"No, not yet anyway." replied Voido, sounding disappointed.

The member sighed, "Well, there isn't much I can do for you. After Avatar Korra, the White Lotus had nothing to do with the Avatar. If you wish to master the elements, you will have to find masters of your own."

"Wait, so you can't teach me? Can you at least tell me where I can find some decent masters?" asked Voido, a bit confused.

"I am sorry. I know an earthbending master here in Republic City, but you already know earth, if I am correct."

Voido sighed, "I think my earthbending is good for now. Thanks anyways." He stood up and bowed politely to the Lotus member. "I guess I'll go then...thanks for the tea."

"Please come again if you have any questions." the member smiled as Voido walked out the door.

As Voido walked away from the White Lotus building, he heard some banging coming from an alley behind the police headquarters. He ran over and hid behind a wall. When he peered into the alley, Voido saw one of the Republic City police officers ripping his armor off and throwing it into a dumpster. The officer mumbled something about how he was happy that he quit the police before he left the alley. When the ex-police officer was gone, Voido made his way over to the dumpster and fished the armor out. It would be pretty sweet if I could have those cool cables the police use. Voido thought, as he looked over the armor. There they are. Voido snatched the cables and flung them over his shoulders, tightening the straps. It's a good thing I figured out how to metalbend a few years back. These would be useless otherwise.

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