The Night Out

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Later that night, Tonyalee met Tiro outside the Pro-bending arena.

"So where are you taking me?" asked Tonyalee, blushing.

"You like noodles?" suggested Tiro, "I know a great place."

Tonyalee nodded and smiled, "Noodles sound great!"

He grabbed her hand and led her down a street, lit up by lanterns. They turned a corner and entered a small restaurant. Tiro requested a table for two and the waiter led the couple to the back of the building, onto a balcony, where he presented a table to them.

It was a simple place, but Tonyalee enjoyed herself. The view from the balcony was marvelous as well. She could see down the lantern-lit street and the bright lights from the arena lit up the sky.

"I like to come here often,"said Tiro, seeing Tonyalee was happy, "Especially at night when the arena lights everything up."

Tonyalee nodded, "Yeah, I really like it."

"Well I'm glad." said Tiro as the waiter came with two bowls of steaming noodles.

Tonyalee slid the chopsticks into place in her hand, and plunged them into the bowl. "Wow! These are some of the best noodles I've ever had." she commented through a mouthful of noodles.

Tiro swallowed, "I told you it was a great place."

Tonyalee swirled the chopsticks around the bowl, trying to think of something to say, "So when did you start Pro-bending?"

"Umm I'd say about three years ago. My uncle used to play and he showed me some things. Then I kinda fell in love with it I guess." he said, then added, "It's really great when you get popular."

"Yeah, I used to come to every one of your matches. I was a big fan of Pro-bending. Unfortunately, there was never an earthbending spot open on a team, so I got a job at the arena instead." she said, "To be honest, I never thought I'd be lucky enough to get on the Golden Dragon's team. You were my favorite team."

Tiro seemed glad about that. "Well we are really lucky to have you on the you think Voido will do ok?"

Tonyalee shrugged, "He actually just figured out that he can waterbend."

Tiro raised an eyebrow, "Seriously? Why didn't you say something. He probably isn't any good at it."

She finished up her noodles, "I don't know. It's better than nothing though."

"Hmm...whatever," he stood up and pushed his chair back to the table, "Come on, I have somewhere else we can go."


He offered Tonyalee his hand, who took it gratefully. Then he guided her out onto the street, where they walked awhile. They stopped under a giant tower at the center of Republic City. "Lets go to the top."

"That was my plan," grinned Tiro, "You seemed to like the other view, you'll love this one."

At the top, Tonyalee was awestruck. The whole city could be seen, stretching in every direction. The lights from the houses looked like a reflection of the stars in the sky.

"Like it?" said Tiro, behind her.

"It's beautiful!" she smiled, "Thank you, Tiro. This has been a wonderful night."

There was a long silence as the two gazed at the city below. "So how do you know that Voido kid anyways?"asked Tiro.

"Well, I came across him laying on the side of the street one day. I don't know how he got there, but I felt bad for him, so I took him to my house. We have been running into each other every once in awhile since then." replied Tonyalee, thoughtfully, "It's really weird though...there is something familiar about him. I just can't put my finger on it."

"Well I bet I know what it is."


"It's probably the fact that you both have the same white highlight in your hair." he said simply.

Tonyalee grabbed her braid. She stared at the pale strip of hair twisted into her braid. I have always had this thing, haven't I? Then she thought of Voido, with his similar white highlight. Finally, she said, "Hmmm I guess we do. I never thought about it before. It seemed natural."

"Maybe he just has a similar style." Tiro yawned, "Well, it's getting late. Wanna head home?"

"Uhh Yeah."replied Tonyalee, still thinking.

Tiro held out his elbow and Tonyalee wrapped her arm around it. They descended the building, then strolled around the streets once again.

"Thank you so much for tonight, Tiro." said Tonyalee when they were at her doorstep, "We should do it again sometime."

He smiled, "Anytime."

She yawned, "Well goodnight, I guess I'll see you tomorrow for practice. 10:30 right?"

"Yep, goodnight."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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