They Meet

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Voido lay on the side of a street, unconscious. A girl about fourteen years old, came walking down the street. When she saw Voido, she checked to see if he was alive. She was glad to see that he was ok, but she couldn't just leave him there, so she took him to her house.

When Voido woke up, he forgot that the spirit was in him. He looked around. He was lying on a bed in a room with gray, wooden walls. Just then, a girl appeared in the doorway. She wore a bluish outfit and had dark hair in a loose braid, running down her shoulder. There was something strange about her...she had a white highlight woven in her braid. Voido had a white strip in his hair too. He wondered if hers was natural, like his, or if she dyed it into her hair.

"Who are you?"asked Voido.

"My name is Tonyalee."she smiled.

"I'm Voido...what am I doing here?"

"Well, you were laying on the street, and you weren't waking up and I felt sorry for you, so I brought you to my house."said Tonyalee. She looked at a clock on the wall. "Well I'm glad you are ok, but I gotta go to work. Do you live anywhere near here?"

"Uhh you found me where I live." he replied, a little embarrassed.

" can stay here if you want then." she smiled.

"Really?!" Voido said, "I mean, thanks."

"Well, see you later then." she said before walking out the door.


At Tonyalee's work...

Tonyalee was a janitor at the Pro-Bending arena. She was supposed to be sweeping the Golden Dragons' locker-room during a match that was taking place that night, but got distracted by the match. It was a close match for the Golden Dragons, but they didn't make it through the final round, so the opposing team won the match. The crowds in the stands were still cheering by the time the Golden Dragons were in the locker room.

"Really Ton?!" said Tiro (the team leader of the Golden Dragons), "How many times were you gonna trip me with your rock-disks?! It happened twice in that match!"

Ton pulled his helmet off and Tonyalee could see the annoyance in his face, "You know what, I'm sick of you bringing that up and blaming all our losses on me! I quit!" he said as he tossed his helmet angrily at the floor and walked out of the room, slamming the door hard behind him. There was a moment of silence.

"Well, I guess we are gonna need a new earthbender..."said Tiro, addressing Osmond, the waterbender for the Golden Dragons. Osmond seemed to be thinking very hard.

"I know what we need to do!" said Osmond excitedly.

"What, Osmond?"asked Tiro.

"We need to find a new earthbender!" he pointed out happily. Tiro smacked his forehead with his hand.

"Well no duh, Osmond," said Tiro, "Always stating the obvious." he added.

Tonyalee cleared her throat behind them. "Well you just found one!" said Tonyalee, "I'm an earthbender."

Tiro looked her over and crossed his arms, "I doubt you even know the rules."

"Actually I do," corrected Tonyalee, "I've been watching Pro-Bending since I was five."

"Well then, I'll have Osmond get you a uniform." he said, "We have a match tomorrow at 8:30 p.m.. You better be there."

"Oh I will, see you tomorrow night!" she said excitedly as Tiro and Osmond walked away.


On her way home, Tonyalee was surprised to run into Voido.

"Hey, umm Voido, right?"

"Yeah..." Voido said, looking at the ground nervously.

"Is something wrong Voido?"

"I don't know...I'm an earthbender, you see...I-I just waterbended." he said, "How is that possible?"

"Voido, you could be the next Avatar! That's incredible!" said Tonyalee in a hyper tone, "It makes sense, because the next Avatar is supposed to be an earthbender."
Voido stared for a moment, then blinked. "What do I do?"

"You should go tell the White Lotus about it."


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