Baseball and Move

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Now I am 3 years old and at the time I was living in a place called Piedmont California and next door to my house was a man who hated children, his name was Joe Gellar and he had a big fence around his house and every time I tried to climb over the fence into his yard he swore if I did it again he would cut off one of my fingers. One day I was just throwing my baseball up in the air and I accidentally threw it into Joe's yard. I finally climbed to the top of the fence and Joe ran towards me as I tried to get my baseball. Joe then grabbed me tightly and took me off of the fence.

Joe: You little pain I warned you about climbing my fence.

I saw Joe grabbing a cutting tool and began to cry.

"Mommy, Daddy help!!"
Joe: Shut up you little brat.
Sheila: Kyle!
Gerald: Let him go Joe!
Joe: No way you're son is a monster.

Sheila: How dare you call my little bubbeleh a monster.

While ma was talking to Joe. Dad took me out of his arms and I began to cry again.

Joe: Hey! I was trying to deal with him!
Gerald: Shhh it's ok Kyle.

"He said... he was going to cut off one of my"

Sheila: What What Whaaat! You dare threaten to hurt my Bubby.

Joe: Just go away and take that twit with you.
Gerald: He has a point.
Sheila: What What Whaaat!!
"Daddy!" I said with tears in my eyes.
Gerald: No I mean about going away.
Sheila: You mean move.

Gerald: Well we don't want Kyle to grow up here and one of my friends from college Randy Marsh said that their next neighbors moved out and Randy has a son who's just a few months older than Kyle.

"A new friend" I said with a smile on my face.

Sheila: Sounds perfect and doesn't Randy live in South Park, Colorado.

Gerald: Yes, I couldn't be more safe for Kyle.

Just like that My mom and dad sold our house in a week and we moved to our new house which wasn't the house we wanted but it was big pretty and we had friendly neighbors next door and this wouldn't have happened if I hadn't accidentally thrown my baseball over Joe Gellar's fence.

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