New friend

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I'm still 3 years old and my parents just unpacked the boxes from our old house and began packing everything into our new house. I couldn't wait to meet my new friend today. Mommy and Daddy said that after they unpacked the stuff for my room we will go see them.

Sheila: Kyle come here Bubbe.

The only hard part about the new house was climbing up the stairs. I slowly crawled up the stairs and walked to my new room. When I got to the door daddy picked me up and opened the door. My new room was huge. Daddy put me down so that I could look around. My room was so big that I didn't know what to look at first and then I saw my new bed. My bed had a Terrance and Phillip pillow and a space blanket. After I looked at my new room Mom put me into my car seat and we drove to my possible new friend's house. When we got to the house I saw a man with a bushy piece of hair on his lip, a woman was holding the man's hand, and a little boy in a red poof ball hat playing happily in the snow. Dad unbuckled me from the car seat.

Randy: Gerald it's good to see you again.

Gerald: I know right. Nice to see you too Sharon.

Sharon: You still look the same. You must be Sheila.

Sheila: Yes and this is Kyle.
Sharon: What a handsome little boy.

The boy in the poof ball hat then squealed as he heard his mother say that I was handsome. Sharon then picked the boy.

Sharon: This is Stanley but we all him Stan for short.


Stan then looked away and it made me very sad that he didn't want to say hi to me.

Sharon: Stanley Quinten Marsh That was very rude. You tell Kyle you're sorry right this instant!

Stan: I'm sorry Kyle.
It okay Stan.

I saw Stan smile at me and I smiled back at him. Soon we played in Stan's house and we had a great time and we had so much fun that we were so upset when my parents took me home. On the bright side I met my new best friend.

South Park: The World in the Eyes Of Kyle Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora