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Turns out I love having a little brother. The only bad part is that he follows me to school.

Mommy can I have some water.
Sheila: Sure thing Bubbe.

I finish my glass and I was still thirsty. I went into the kitchen to refill my glass. I then had to go to the bathroom every 5 minuets for about 30 minuets.

(First sign of diabetes in children is increased thirst and frequent urination)

Sheila: What is it Kyle? What's wrong

I couldn't answer her I couldn't help but cry. At that moment I saw Mom look at my bed and pants. I thought Mom was going to yell at me but she wrapped her arms around me and tried to calm me down.

The next day was hungry and sleepy. Like very hungry. I don't know what was happening to make me so thirsty and hungry or made me have an accident in my bed but I couldn't stop my hunger.

(Second sign of diabetes in children is Extreme Hunger.)

My mom is growing very concerned all though I'm always very hungry it looks like I haven't eaten in days and then soon it  looked like weeks or months. I was so scared I wanted to cry so bad. Whatever I was going through was scaring me.

(Third sign of diabetes in children is Weight Loss.)

I was beginning to get more sleepier as days go by. Sometimes even at meal time I couldn't keep my eyes open so Mom puts me right to bed. I swear not even Ike sleeps this much and Ike's a baby. I am 6 years old I shouldn't be sleepier then a 5 month old.

(Forth sign of diabetes in children is Fatigue.)

Ike crawled near me as I was sitting on the carpet trying to watch tv. Ike screamed and babbled for my attention.

Go Away Ike! I screamed at the top of my lungs

I then covered my mouth and Ike began to cry. My mom rushed down right away. I got a timeout. The next day was Wednesday and tomorrow we were going to have a spelling test so we got a work sheet. I tossed my worksheet off of my dest. My teacher Mrs. Andrews then came up to my desk and put my worksheet back on my desk.

Mrs. Andrews: Kyle you have a spelling test and you haven't done any of your other worksheets this week.

Later Mrs. Andrews arrived at my house and talked to Mom and dad.

Mrs. Andrews: I hate to barge in like this but I wanted to talk about Kyle's grades. You see this whole week he has declined all of his work and his grades are going down and it's not just spelling he isn't doing any of the work I give him.

Sheila: It's Okay I'm trying to help him get back to normal. Me and my husband have both noticed that he has been acting differently lately.

(Fifth sign of diabetes in children is Irritability or Behavior Changes.)

Mom and dad kept me home today because along with everything else now I have a weird smell coming from my breath. Mom and dad became very worried I began getting sore throats and I threw up a lot and even then my breath still smells fruity as my mom and say.

(Sixth sign of diabetes in children is Fruity-Smelling Breath.)

Soon my mom took me to the doctor when I complained that I couldn't see. The doctor did multiple tests and he said that I have type 1 diabetes.

Soon I began to feel better. My grades went up in school and I graduated from Kindergarten. Although know I had to be on a diet and medication but it beets being scared and failing school.

South Park: The World in the Eyes Of Kyle Where stories live. Discover now