Chapter Eight - Cinderella

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Chapter Eight - Cinderella

The next few days turned into a blur as the dance loomed closer and Friday night with Jacob even more so. I spend my afternoons with my Mum planning out the rest of my outfit for the dance. Since I didn't buy any shoes or accessories for the dance she came home late Wednesday night from Port Angeles with a bag of shoes and jewellery. She was more inspired by my dress then I was. I spent the evenings alternating between talking to Bella and Jacob on the phone. I finally got around to admitting to Bella that I was going to the movies with Jacob. I didn't know why I felt hesitant to tell her since technically she didn't love Jacob just yet. But the idea that she is suppose to love him and he her burned into my brain making me feel ill each time I thought about it. Bella had, of course, been thrilled that I was getting on with Jake. She asked if it was anything more than friendship but didn't pry when I told her it was too early to tell. She blushed deeply when I asked her about Edward and answered honestly, "I really like him." I found myself feeling jealous of her ability to fall while I found myself clinging desperately to the edges; afraid.

When Friday came around I found myself looking constantly at my watch. So much so that even Angela, who was usually content not to pry, asked if I was alright. When I got home I knew that I only had limited time to get dressed but I still changed my outfit three times and spent too long in front of the mirror. I eventually decided on a small amount of make-up just mascara and a small amount of pink blush and I pulled my hair back into a lose ponytail. I was too nervous to do anything else with it. The cloud cover was once again covering the sky so I settled on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a black long sleeved skivvy.

"You look great. Have a nice time," Mum winked at me on my way out. It was half past three by the time I drove into Jacob's drive. He was sitting on the front steps waiting for me patiently. His face lit up when he saw me drive down towards the house. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt that complimented his golden skin. His long hair was pulled back into a pony tail at the base of his neck.

"You're late," he told me as he got into the car and I felt myself blush deeply. I didn't know what to say. The air between us seemed to have changed. It was as if it was now filled with static electricity.

"Sorry," I apologised. "I got caught up at school." That was a lie but I decided that it was better than saying that I had spent half an hour getting ready. Even now it seemed ridiculous.

Jacob instantly launched into a story about school and because it had my mum mentioned in it several times I had to listen carefully. I found myself feeling disappointed that the trip to Port Angeles went so quickly as the quaint building came into view. Things were pleasantly comfortable with Jacob. It made me wonder why I was ever nervous about hanging out with him at all. And I was beginning to think I was mad for ever thinking that maybe this was something more than the other times we had spoken and hung out this week.

The movie we decided to see was a crime/action movie. I didn't think it was going to be that great but Jacob saw the car on the poster and was convinced it was going to be great. As we sat down in the cinema I suddenly became aware of my limbs. I moved my arms from the arm rest to my lap and back again. Jacob had claimed the arm rest on his side. The intangible electricity that had appeared in the car was once again between us. But I didn't know whether or not Jacob felt it too. Sometimes I got the feeling that he was looking over at me but every time I let myself peek at him he was watching the movie intently. I told myself several times that I was crazy. You know his future, I told myself sternly and each time I did the image of him with Bella would burn into my brain and hurt me somewhere in the region of my stomach. He will imprint on her daughter. I was being particularly mean to myself now and I didn't even know why. I felt my eyes stinging.

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