Righteous' reaction

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Righteous' POV

I woke up and looked around not quite sure where I was at. Oh wait, Spencer and I came over here to see Hannah Cassidy and Halie.

I looked around and saw Hannah staring at me with some kind of dart. Then it hit me, Hannah had knocked me out with a tranquilizer dart. That explains it.

I took another look around and saw........... ONE DIRECTION?!?!?!

Ok maybe that dart gave me hallucinations, but then I see Cassidy and Louis talking. So I guess I'm not hallucinating.


Hannah threw the tranquilizer dart, which hit the wall beside me

"Ok Righteous we can do this the easy way, or the Hannah way, your choice." Hannah sweetly responded

"Easy way please you crazy bitch" I said regretting it immediately after

"Awww thank you for the complement and ok"

Ok she took that pretty well.

Maybe I should call her a crazy bitch more often? Or should I?

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