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Hannah's POV

I've decided to bring in some backup. My friend since 6th grade, Amanda. She and I talk often but I'm almost never on my phone anymore. I have decided to contact her and my other friends Grace, and Courtney. They are close friends and they know how to prank some bitches. So they can help Niall, me and Lou. Grace and Courtney are coming here tomorrow because they were on vacations. But for now me and my pranking group are sneaking out to my black Ford F-150 in the back to get to a hotel to plan a prank. The boys have been on a break for the past 3 and a half months and are gonna be for another 9. So I'm happy. The only thing is they have a few interviews here and there but that's not really a problem. We still haven't made the relationship public because I am nervous as to how the fans would react. But I know my friends are there for me.

Once we got to the hotel, I got out and helped the boys, showing them how to get out of a truck. As you can tell I'm southern so I love my truck and if it gets messed up ill end up fuckin killin someone. Literally.

Once we got to the right floor I immediately spotted Amanda

Amanda had long brown hair and loves animals just like me and a lot of people I know.

"Waddap girl. I've missed ya. I haven't seen you in so long." I yelled while running up to her.

"Not much. Just doin what I do. What about you?"

"I totally understand. And I'm finally no longer single. I now have a boyfriend. Now none of those bitches can make fun of me for bein single all those years sayin I'll be single forever like I said."

"OMG! No way. When can I meet him?"

"Now actually, this is Niall Horan, Niall this is one of my bfflad's, Amanda. You'll meet Courtney and grace later."

"What is a bfflad?" Amanda and Niall asked together.

"Best friend for life and death. Duh. Sometimes I feel like I make new words that y'all don't know."

"That's because you do, I've known you forever. Well it feels like it at least. so you're dating a celebrity. And Niall Horan at that. I remember you talking about him all the time, now you're dating him."

I blushed an his my face at her revealing this right in front of the boys. Why must she do this?

Amanda's POV

I can tell Hannah and Niall are a good couple and I can sense Louis and Cassidy will become something soon if not already. And Halie and Harry would make a cute couple. It's almost as if I can read thoughts. Well we better get to the prank discussion.

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