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I'm a 18 year old girl.My name is Christina.I live in L.A and I hate my life.

Every day when I get home from school,My mom always brings a different guy home every night ever since my dad killed himself.

My older brother does drugs and is in a gang.Its not like our mom cares.

I've been suspended a couple times.One time it was for smashing a kids head up against the locker.Then one time I slapped the teacher and called her a bitch.

I also got raped once by my moms old boyfriend when I was 11.I told her but she didn't believe me.I was 8 when dad killed himself.

I feel like my dad did the right thing.I just didn't realize it until now.Yeah as you can tell I have a lot of emotional problems.

I'm still a senior,I got held back.Apparently I have bad grades.Like why tf do I care.I don't care about anything really.

"Hey Scumbag." Olivia,yells at me.

"Not in the mood Olivia."I warn her

"What's wrong,is daddy not showing you enough love."She says in a baby voice.

"Oh wait,that's right he killed himself probably because,he couldn't live with you as a embarrassment of a daughter."Olivia says

"Well I warned you bitch."I say as I punch her in the face.

She falls to the ground and I kick her in mouth.

"Put a sock in it bitch."I say as I stomp over her.

I know that in about 10 minutes.Im going to be stuck in the principals office.....AGAIN.

"Christina Bennett ,please report to the principals office immediately." I hear over the loud speakers.

Here we go again,I think to myself.I walk in and the office lady says "Take a seat young lady."

"Well first let me go to the restroom." I say all annoyed.

"Five minutes."The lady says in a stern voice.

Fuck them,No way am I staying in this hellhole that they call a school.This school is cancerous and everyone in it is.I just walk out the side door.Im not going home,thats for sure.

I go stop at McDonald's get something to eat.Im going to go on a hike that really relaxes me.I go to the top of the hill and I see these two guys,they look identical.Im pretty sure their twins.I just walk right past them as I sit down at the edge.

"Hey."The one with a earring that looks like a tampon says as he plops down next to me.

"What do you want?"I say very aggravated.

"What's wrong."The other one says

"None of your business."I say as I roll my eyes

"Come on you can tell us."Tampon dude says.

"I can tell you,really I just met you guys,you must be fucking stupid."I say as I run away before they could respond.

*8 hours later*
It's 8:30 pm.Im tired I'm gonna head home.

I come home to my mom yelling at me."HEY CHRISTINA WHY ARE YOU HOME SO LATE,YOU'RE WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT."She yells.


"Well why won't you just do me a favor and just go away."She yells

I start to cry.But not for long.Im so angry I run over to her and I knock her teeth in a give her a black eye."Suck on that bitch."I say as I slap her.

I storm out of the house.I going away alright.Im going off that damn bridge.Im going to jump off this bridge and kill myself.Dad was on the right path.

I run to the bridge and I look down and I cry like a river.But then I turn around put my arms out and yell "GOODBYE WORLD.IM NOT GOING TO MISS YOU ANYWAY."

I just tipped back and I immediately regretted what I had just done.

I felt someone grab my wrist before it was too late.I get my balance back and I look at him.

Omg it was him.

703 words.
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