The Princess and The Band - One

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I, Princess Alexandra Eleanor Gil, was born in the Kingdom of Rohan. Our country is composed of seven kingoms: Pontera, Thaokor, East Troeri, Haoenia, Edaessi, Glael, and Rohan. And our kingdom happens to be the richest and the most powerful among the seven kingdoms.

My ancestors have ruled the land for the past ten decades. And all of them had brought up the kingdom's name to the highest peak. With that said, the Kingdom of Rohan was very much known to the whole country. And my hardworking father wants to keep it that way for as long as possible.

"How was your hunting, my daughter?" My father, the King of Rohan, asked with a deep voice that echoed through the whole throne room.

I kept my head low to show respect. "It went well, Father." I answered as I laced my fingers together.

"Good. Have you already taken your dancing lessons?" He asked as he sat down on his throne.

"Yes, father."

"Alright. Now I want you to prepare yourself." He said.

I looked up at him. I lifted my left brow. "Prepare for what, father?"

He looked at me with no emotion. "Prince Frederick of Pontera will be coming for a visit."

"With all respect, father. For what reason will he be visiting?" I asked with my slightly creased brows.

"For you, my dear. The king of Pontera wants to form an alliance with us; all kingdoms want to form an alliance with us." He said with pleasure lingering in his voice.

My eyes started to blink rapidly. I didn't dare speak up.

He chuckled for a while. "Besides, my dear, you are already 18. I am definitely confident that you are ready to get married."

I bowed my head in disappointment. "Yes, father."

"Mmm..But Alexandra?"

I snapped my head towards him. "Yes, father?"

He lifted his index finger. "I want you to choose wisely; I expect highly of you."

I bowed my head. "Yes father."

"You are dismissed."

I bowed. "Thank you father."

Then, I turned around and left through the humongous doors that were guarded by the kingdom's knights.

I was met by my Maid of Honor--Amelia.

She gave a little bow. "How was your talk with the king, Princess Alexandra?"

I let out a brief sigh. "Disapponting, if I may say."

We began to walk through the golden halls. The sunlight was shining through the castle's windows.

Amelia laced her fingers together. "What makes you say that Princess, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well, father says to prepare for Prince Frederick's arrival. And that the King of Pontera wants to form an alliance with Rohan. He even added that all the kingdoms want to form an alliance with us."

Amelia placed her hands over her lips. "Oh, dear."

I sighed. "Oh, dear indeed."

"Whatever will you do, Princess Alexandra?" She asked with her eyebrows scrunched together.

I shook my head. "I really don't know, Amelia." I said. "Probably nothing. I can't disobey father's orders."

"True, Princess Alexandra." Amelia said as she looked straight ahead. "But do not worry. Your female ancestors managed to get through marriage at a young age. So I am sure that you will manage to get through as well."

The Princess and The Band (5SOS Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora