Welcome To Beacon Hills

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"What happened to talking, Deuc?"
"I was. And then they brought out the guns and that went out the window.
It's their fault, really." Deucalion said.
"Forgive him. He's young." Peter said.
"Shut up. I hear something." Derek said walked to the corner of the warehouse carefully.
"What is it?" Deucalion asked.
"A...freaking baby? What?"
Derek asked confused.
"What the hell is an infant doing here?" Deucalion asked.
"How would I know that?"
Derek asked. Holding the baby by the back of his shirt.
"It was rhetorical." Deucalion said.
"What do we do with him?"
Peter asked.
"Let's kill it. It'll only grow up to hunt and kill us all anyway." Deuc said.
"He has a point." Peter said taking out his claws. "Hold it still." The baby touched Peter's claws. Smiling.
"No! Don't." Derek protested.
"Why the hell not?" Deucalion asked.
"Because...It's a baby...it's so cute and clueless." Derek said as he looked longingly at him. Peter smiled.
"You people and your emotions. I'll do it!" Deucalion said and grabbed the baby. Making him cry. "What are you doing? Stop that! Now! Right...Oh...please don't cry. I'm sorry. Please don't cry." Deucalion said and cradled him. "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts. Diddly diddly. There they are-a standing in a row__ what? I learned it from my mother."
"Since it's obvious none of us wants to kill it, what do we do with it?"
Peter asked.
"We can start by not calling the baby an it and find out if it's a boy or a girl." Derek said. Pushing the diaper to the side. "It's a boy."
"That's great. I say we keep him." Peter said.
"We have no idea how to take care of a baby. What we even name it?"

17 Years Later

"Stiles. You are going to school here. Let it go. Accept it." Peter said as they walked through the woods.
"But I get the highschool experience here with you guys. English, Philosophy. Socializing. Lunch...I don't need school." Stiles insisted.
"You're going." Peter said.
"Don't look at me. I'm with him. You need friends your own age." Deucalion said as they got closer.
"Derek?" Stiles asked sadly.
"Sorry." Derek said shrugging.
"Traitor." Stiles said and shoved him.
"Stop it. You're going to school. We're getting jobs and everyone will bloody act happy about it!" Deucalion said.
"Okay. This is it? This place?" Stiles asked looking at an old, burnt house.
"It was our home." Peter said sadly.
"Oh...sorry...so why did we leave New York to come here?" Stiles asked.
"Because we're taking it back." Derek said firmly. Stiles looked at them as they looked at the house. Taking a beat before entering.

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