She Tempts Unaware

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I caught a cab and proudly stepped out in a crowd of who's who that I hadn't a clue who they were. But, what I can see, their disapproving glances swept over me, a nobody who should never grace the presence of the elite. Lofty thoughts they held of themselves and how-- stifling. Yet, I agreed to be here, and here I will stay until I detect something out of the ordinary, or, not.
Up I go, my high heels clicking against the swirled marble steps. Quickly, I was stopped at the entrance. The doorman demanded my name and I obliged. He quickly scanned his clipboard, eyes moving left then right then back up at me. With a slight nod, he stepped aside allowing me access.
I can see why I was stopped, not a black face in sight! Was it a surprise? No. But, has my presence been noticed? Absolutely! All eyes turned on me, abrupt glaces, cold thin smiles and a kind of subtle but quiet alarm ripped through the crowd alerting them there was an outsider in their midst. I've seamlessly highjacked this soiree without a single word. A broad smile strokes my heart but it was game on as I fluidly move through the crowd. They'll be watching my every move, and I, there's.
Fake crab, rubbery shrimp, caviar, petite for's one has to fight to digest. Only artificial life could give a thumbs up to this atrocity.
I move on with a glass of water to wash away what I just consumed and sure enough, some curious individual approaches me.

"Excuse me. I hope you don't mind me stating the obvious, but you look exquisite tonight."

"Oh? Thank you for the compliment."

"It's my pleasure. Tell me, are you here with someone?"

"A lady would never compromise her safety."

"Oh no, you misunderstood my intentions. I only wanted you to join me, right over there. Just to talk."

"A friendly chat?"

"A friendly chat." he confirmed.

"In that case-" Before I could finish my sentence, a heavy tap weighed at my shoulder.

"Who are you and who let you inside this private gathering? I can't ever remember seeing you before."

"That's because she's with me." This stranger's arm eased confidently around my waist. He boasted an easy smile, but I noted the hostility that lurked beneath.

"Actually," I pulled from his grip, standing between the two men, looking up at the one who asked how I essentially blew past security. "My name is Mikaela Boyd. I'm an employee of yours." I held out my hand, still left void of his.
His eyes narrowed, sharply scanning me from head to toe.


"Actually, it's not. I've-" Before I knew it, my arm was in his grip, pulling me further and further away until we stood alone in a bright white room.

"You've got exactly five minutes to make me believe you. Start." he looked at his watch.

"I don't need five minutes, more like thirty seconds. Jack Higgins hired me a couple of years ago. I work in the lower level of Bourne Inc. Your company. And that makes you my boss."

"Jack never told me about you."

"You leave the hiring to him, do you not?"

"True. You still haven't explained why you're here."

"A nobody can't mingle with the snobs of society?"

"I never said that."

"Jack asked me to come here."


"You'd have to ask him." I counter.

"I'm not convinced. However, I'll be looking through your file straight away if you have one, Ms. Mikaela Boyd."

"I expect that you will."

"Another thing, that man talking to you earlier."


"Stay away from him."

"Why should I?"

"Because I said so."

"Hmm. I'll think about it." I lament as I leave him standing alone in the room. Out I go into the den of thieves. Let's see what I can uncover.

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