9. Darlington part 1

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"Today is the first day of the rest of your life." -unknown

Veronica is still driving and we're on her fifth CD. Thankfully, because of her speed demon driving, we're about ten minutes away now.

I'm on the edge of my seat, hand on my knife sheath, barely listening to the female singer going on about her ex boyfriend. I'm so ready to find Chase. I've missed him so much. His warm chocolate eyes and stunning smile like when he'd crinkle his eyes and his cheek dimples would appear...tan arms and short, soft, dusty brown hair. I missed his jokes, cute ideas for dates and driving around our small town. We would always go on long walks after school and hold hands, talk about our future and what we wanted. He always wanted to build our house with me and have two kids. And plenty of dogs and cats. Like a field full...He's a cutie.

I've missed his humor and his cute, charming smile. That smile...

Veronica takes an exit off to the right.

Darlington 10

I'm so excited. This is it. Chase has to be here.

Lucas is snoring softly in the front with Veronica.

Sarah is humming along with the song, looking out the window.

Amera is busy sneaking looks at me and hiding behind her long black hair. She's so weird. Sweet but weird. But she seems harmless. Cute and harmless. She's positive, helpful and kind and that's what we need in this always-serious world. I can always use someone like her in our group.

I look away, busying myself with watching for places to resupply or stop.

We don't know if the place is safe. I mean just because it's an army camp doesn't mean that the people running it aren't fucked up. I mean they could be crazy for all we know...

We don't know anything about this area. We don't even know if my Chase is here.

They're all risking this for me.


Is it because they have no other options? Is it because they just want to help me? Do they have family that they think is here too?

I don't know. I just know that I'm so grateful for them. They're good people. I couldn't ask for better apocalypse partners.

Amera squeaks, seeing a walker right next to her window, claw at her. I wince at the sight and turn my attention back to the road whipping past me. I really wish we could get there sooner.

These minutes feel like hours.

Lucas gets a tap awake from Veronica and he turns off the music as we approach the exit to the Darlington town.

He says something to Veronica about coming up with a plan. Nodding, she goes to the nearest stop which is a lone gas station connected with a fast food restaurant.

I attach my knife to my belt and we scout out the area from the car. There's a few roamers in the food place but none outside, the place looks empty and desolate besides them. Trash and empty containers blow across the ground and make it look even more dead than it already is.  To be honest, most places look like this even though sometimes they have supplies.

The gas station is wiped clean and there's a few cars along the pumps. As if people were trying to get gas even after the power cut out.

Maybe we could siphon some for later? I'm sure that Lucas would help with that, he's super handy like that. And handsy apparently too...

Stepping out with Amera and slamming the door after us. Lucas and Veronica walk toward the door to the restaurant and dispatch the walkers, by letting them out one at a time.

Into the Forest (2017-2018 version) **BEING EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now