23. More and More

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"Being scared is part of being alive. Accept it. Walk through it. " -Robin Sharma


After witnessing the events of this morning, I know for a fact that I'm scared shitless.

I mean the fences, that are usually "indestructible", well, mostly, were creaking and bending. Bending under the literal dead weight of those eaters.

Eaters, biters, dead, crawlers, walkers, monsters, roamers, zombies, aliens, spawn of Satan. You get the idea.

They all suck serious ass.

It makes me so mad how they think they can just swoop in here and fucking break down our hard-earned fences. Like the fuck not bitch! This is OUR home. Not yours.

And I'm NOT letting you touch my Amera or my friends.

They mean the world to me.

And they're all I got left.

Me, them and this camp.

We're all that's left.


"One. Two. Three!" I heave up a sawed leg onto the metal chain link, causing the dead behind it to moan louder. They're agitated.

And ya know what?

Deal with it.

For good measure I kill a few from the safety of the inside.

The safety I've grown used to.

The smell still has me reeling though. Haven't gotten used to that.

I wish my family could've seen this. My old friends. My neighbors. My cats. My horses. Cows.

Heck all those mosquitoes I used to slap on my leg during those cool Carolina summer nights.

I'll live in memory of the good times. And forget the bad. Theres already enough bad now to last a lifetime.

Hot sun beats down on my short blonde hair. Good thing I'm not a brunette.

I glance to Lucas.

"How's the sun on ya hair boy?" I tease him.

He scowls and lifts up another log. Jackson high fives me. I shake my head humorously and continue my menial task.

Amera and a few other women bring us down some lemonaid after awhile. I down it in a matter of seconds. Amera gives me one of her cute signature smiles. At this, I can't help but pull her into a kiss. She tastes like strawberries and sugar. Mmm.

Veronica whoops from down the fence and Jackson scoffs at her. I blush a dark red. I'm used to this whole, I'm dating my best girl that is a friend thing.

Amera gives me a little hug, even though I'm super sweaty and hot, and I return it. She's not working with us since manual labor just really isn't a strong as it of hers. Instead she's helping out with indoor things. Lucky.

Jackson taps my shoulder, a signal to stop daydreaming and start working again. I groan at him in fake agony and he sends a shot eating grin my way. Lucas impatiently snaps his fingers at us and we reluctantly stop and help the green eyed baby.

He really is a bossy toddler sometimes.

But ya gotta love him.



I feel just the slightest bit better. Just a slight bit.

Not a whole lot to celebrate or anything.

I'm certainly not.

Coughing up my lungs is just fantastic. Just...fantastic.

I also have the most disgusting dinner ever. Something between the aftermath of a high school party and oatmeal.

Sorry for that image.

Gosh I can't do anything without getting it completely wrong!

My boyfriend is out there, protecting me, us, him, this place, and I can't do anything about it.


But sit in this damn room.

Sitting. Waiting....to get better.

Like I'm literally sitting in my own pile of germs...not getting better. At all. It's been weeks!

I feel like ass.

Like ass that's been in radioactive waste.

Okay that's weird. That's what happens when you're lonely as hell and your boyfriend is out there protecting you and you're stuck inside, slowly but what seems like not surely, getting better.

Soon. I must be patient and rest.



Sarah is so cute. Even when she's all hot and tired she's still funny and glamorous.

Beautiful girl. My girl.

I carry the empty silver tray back up the hill with the other women and try to block out the endless drone of the dead on the outside of our walls.

I wish they'd just go away...

Tucking my hair behind my ear and away from my face, I shake the silly idea from my head and groan.
That's a weak person's thought.

One that I'm not anymore. I'm not weak.

I'm trying not to be.

Because I can't anymore.

I have to be strong for the betterment of our future.

I glance behind one last time before I tread into the building, holding in a breath

Just as I see the front fence get pushed to the ground.


Short chapter I know, but I wanted to make suspense and a good gateway into the next chapter. The end is coming my friends...

Stay tuned for the next chapter :)

Into the Forest (2017-2018 version) **BEING EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now