18. Birthday

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"There are two great days in a person's life - the day we were born and the day we discover why." -William Barclay


Me and my girlfriend, *loud cough* I-I mean friend, are with our old friends from our trip on the road, about to celebrate Veronica's birthday. It's going to be a surprise party. She actually didn't want us to do anything for her today, because apparently, she's already 'old enough and doesn't need to be reminded'. We said we wouldn't, but we lied. I still think that this day will lift some spirits around our new home, that I might add, has made us way happier then we were. She really doesn't like being seventeen years older then the rest of our original group. Honestly, she doesn't act her age though. She acts like a giddy thirteen year old.

The General let us throw the party in light of there not being many collective birthday parties thrown around here. So he thought it would be a good idea to start that. As long as ones throwing it, agreed to a little extra work and runs into towns for supplies.

Right now, I'm helping my friends set up some food we scavenged for, on the long metal tables in the big front room of the complex. The room we usually have trading tables set up. We're inviting the rest of the people here to join in too, obviously wanting them to take part in the food, drink and chatting.

I've heard that the German woman loves vodka.

I go over to my significantly shorter "friend" Alyssa and pick her up, bridal style carrying her and running around the room. She laughs lightly, saying 'Put me down! Lucas we're supposed to be done before Veronica finishes her work!'

She's so cute when she complains.

I run around the room for a few more seconds before putting her down. I don't want her to get mad at me.

She could totally kick my ass.

Alyssa runs playfully away from me and turns around, sticking her tongue out at me. Amera and Sarah groan at our shenanigans. Other people who were helping us have already started to leave,

Chuckling, I go over to the many tables and chairs and spread sheets and what tablecloths we had over them. Otherwise, the tables would look pretty rough. Glancing at the battery operated clock on the wall, I see we've been working for almost an hour now, and we should go get everyone in preparation. The other people in our humble civilization that are celebrating birthdays soon too. So we want to make sure to include them all, in thanks for accepting us with such open arms. Everyone, pretty much has been nice to us here.

With only a few cold men and women to sour the barrel.

We've been here almost eight months now, and only a few small groups have joined us from the outside. About twenty people in all. It makes me shudder thinking about how there isn't very many of us left at all.

Very saddening indeed.

I try not to think about it too much.

All of us walk down the hallways on either side of the building and knock on all of the doors, gathering all the remaining people who weren't helping us set up. Total, I would say there's there's a good eighty or more people in camp currently.

Including the fresh meat who aren't used to our hard labor way of life.

Another words, out there, they just got lucky.

We're all being trained on weapons and first aid, building things and traps to set, making fires, by the national guard that were here originally. Survival stuff.

I think it's fun actually.

After we've gotten everyone, and the small flock of children we've collected, we all gather at the tables.

Into the Forest (2017-2018 version) **BEING EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now