Part 1

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              Blood trickled down my lip and onto my shirt. "That's what Freaks like you get!" one of the four ignorant boys exclaimed as he kicked me in the ribs. He began to walk away, and the rest of his gang followed. Curses left my mouth as I tried to get up, I failed miserably and caused more damage to my sore body. I closed my eyes, another curse leaving my mouth. This time, I actually stood up. Struggling to keep my balance, I grabbed onto a locker as I almost fell on my face. I trudged my way to the locker room door, to my luck the four insecure boys had left. 'Thank God' I thought. My torso hurt, I was still bleeding from my nose and lip. I could already tell their would be new bruises on my small body, 'Great, just great'.

              More curses left my mouth as I walked to the nurse's office. I knew exactly how to get there because I was there a lot. More than any student should have been. I knew the short routes and the long ones. In this case, I needed to take the shortcut and after a few twists and turns I was finally there. Too weak to knock, I barged into the room and nearly fell to the floor. Jennifer, -the nurse- had caught me in her arms. She gasped at the sight of me. "Oh.My.God! Frank, this is the third time today! Who did this to you?!", I simply shrugged. I knew I couldn't answer her question. Not because I didn't know their names but because if they got in trouble they would come for me, making the beatings worse. Jennifer is the only girl/woman in this God forsaken school I could actually call a friend and trust. She's cool, caring and kind, and the only one that treated me like a normal boy.

           "Frank lay down,'ll be back with some alcohol and bandages.okay?" she handed me a pillow which I took and put on the hard little bed by the window. 

        "Okay and thanks. Hey Jenn, do you have any ice packs?" I asked. Yet it was a stupid question. I knew exactly where everything was located.

         "Yeah, you know where they're at?" she asked, more of a statement than a question.

         "Yeah, I do," I said with a sigh, loud enough for only me to hear.

          I got off the bed and walked over to the mini fridge. I bent over and grabbed an ice pack. I shut the door and as I was turning to get back on the hard bed I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I cringed at the sight of the scattered bruises and cuts on my small body. I knew it would look bad, but I didn't think it would be this bad; dried blood underneath my nose, and on other areas of my face, dark purple and blue bruises, cuts on my neck and face, all the other damage they had caused was hiding underneath my hoodie. Now on the bed, I laid the ice pack on my torso where I had been hurt the most. 

          Jennifer had finally come back into the room, carrying a lot of materials. "Here let me clean you up," she said, catching me off guard.

         "Okay, thanks."

         "No problem Frank. You know how much I hate seeing you like this," she said with a sigh.

         I had finally felt strong enough to leave. I spent half a period in the room with Jennifer. We talked and relaxed. 

        "Frank here's a tardy note, you know Ms. West is just gonna send you back here if you don't have one," She said, as she handed me a note.

        "yeah, I know, but that isn't a problem. I like this place more than any other part of the building," I said with a slight chuckle. She waved goodbye as did I.

         Now out of the nurse's office, I was on my way to math, room 220. Miss West's class. God, I hated her. I hate math, and her. No, not because she taught math but because she was an ignorant son of a you know what... She was like all the students at this school, ignorant towards same gender love. I was her least favorite student and she made that obvious to me and my peers. She hated me just because of my sexual preferences, she would call me out in front of everyone whenever she got the chance. I tried switching classes but my mother doesn't give a damn about me, and I can't switch classes without her and my principal's approval. I was stuck with her all year. 216, 218, 220. I was at the door, to my surprise she was waiting for me... I hadn't done anything wrong, had I? Well I was late, but there were jocks that skipped this class almost all the time, so how could I get in trouble? 

         "You're late Iero! Get to your assigned seat now! Start the assignment that is on your desk!" she exclaimed at me, impatiently.

She was being extra, and caused a scene. All eyes were on me and I hated it. I walked to the back of the room. My "assigned seat" was this one desk all the way at the back near no one. I picked up the paper and began my work, not bothering to take my eyes off the paper. 

          "Iero, do you have a tardy note?" Ms. West asked me in a impatient yet whisper voice.

          "Yes, here you go Miss West." I handed her the crumbled note.

She took it hastily, and quickly walked to her desk, as if I had a disease that she did not want to catch. Math class was over shortly after I had arrived considering the fact that I spent most of the period in the nurse's office. Next was biology. Which was also one of my most favorite places to be.


This was basically an intro, I guess. Sorry that It's pretty boring. Anyways, Frank will meet Gerard pretty soon, I just wanted to set the mood. Hope that made sense.Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! 

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