Part 2

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Biology is on the first floor. As I was going down the flight of stairs I ran into an unfamiliar face and blushed when I saw him. He. Was. Beautiful. I had accidentally dropped some of his supplies and instantly knelt down to pick them up. He too was now on the floor. I felt scared yet curious. I couldn't really read his facial expression as I was too scared to look him in the eyes. I didn't know if he was as ignorant as the other students at this school, something told me he was new. Considering the fact that he hadn't called me something like "sinner" or said something along the lines of "it's that gay emo kid.". He and I had finished gathering his is materials. To my surprise he held out his hand that had a school schedule and said,

"Hi I'm Gerard, I'm new here, and I'm kinda sorta lost... do you know where this room is?"

I looked at his paper and my eyes lit up. "Hi Gerard. I'm Frank. And yeah I'm actually heading there now. We can walk together if you want?".

We had all the same classes except for history, and writing. How had I not noticed him? "Okay," Gerard said, as he followed me like a lost puppy.
We walked in silence. After what seemed like forever we had arrived at the biology door.
Mr.Urie, our Biology Teacher didn't seem to mind that we were three minutes late. Gerard sat across from me, which made me feel nice. Usually people would only come near me to hurt me or to insult me. Gerard and I were taking notes, just like everyone else in the class. I looked up from my notebook to see Gerard staring at me with a smirk on his face. I felt my cheeks get hot. Gerard noticed that I had noticed him staring at me and instantly averted his gaze. I saw his cheeks turn a rosy red. I thought that was really cute, but didn't think anything else of it. For the rest of the class we sat in silence and only made eye contact a few times.

His eyes . My god, his eyes were beautiful. They led to who he really was inside. A broken soul, just like me. But to find that broken soul you had to look past that amazing hazel green, which was hard to even notice at a first glance. That hazel green color was like a wall. It hid what was behind them. Secrets, those eyes hid many secrets.

Biology class was now over, and biology was our last subject. As I was exiting I noticed Gerard was still gathering his materials. Me being a kind little soul I was I decided to help him. I walked to the table where we had been sitting and offered my help, he accepted it. We were now exiting the class together and I asked him what his locker number was.
He simply said, "one-twenty-two, you?" I was once again shocked.
My answer was, "one-twenty-six...". "cool," he said with a slight grin on his face.
"So um Gerard, I know we kinda just met and all. But would you like to hang out sometime? I don't really have many friends other than Ray and Bob, and I'm sure they would really like to meet you. Actually, you have a few classes with them."
Gerard looked shocked. Hell, I would be too If some kid I just met had asked me to hang out with them. After a few seconds of silence he opened his mouth to say something but closed it instantly, I saw someone running down the hall coming straight at us. The taller boy had glasses that were at the end of his nose. He was very skinny, much skinnier than Gerard. He looked a bit like Gerard, honestly .
"Hey Mikey! How was your first day? Look, this is my new best friend Frank," Gerard said now pointing in my direction.
I said a simple, "hi" to the boy Gerard referred to as Mikey.
They began to talk but I blocked it out, not intentionally though. I was stuck in a train of thought. Mikey looks a bit like Gerard, goes to the same school, obviously they know each other. Could they be brothers?
"Earth to Frank. Frank, you in there?" Gerard said, waving his hand in front of my face.
"Sorry, I kinda zoned out," I said embarrassed.
"I was just saying that I'd love to hang out with you,Ray, and Bob sometime. And this that is my brother Mikey" Gerard said with a smile.

I nearly made it out of the school alive until two boys grabbed me by the arms and threw me to the ground. They began kicking and punching me. I screamed out in pain, yelling for help. Gerard and Mikey were still inside the school, gathering information from the office. The two boys showed no mercy, and kicked harder than when they first started. I was on the floor helpless. Just like always. The two boys stopped for a moment, out of nowhere I heard a voice yelling at them. I opened my eyes weakly and saw Gerard and Mikey standing in front of the two bullies.
"Leave Frank alone you Jerks!" Gerard yelled at both of the insecure teenagers.
"Why, is he your boyfriend?" one of the two boys taunted.
"Back off," Mikey said, cracking his knuckles.
The boy then said, "Whatever we don't have time for this. Come on, Andy!" before they left one of them kicked my side.
"What was that all about?" Gerard asked wide eyed.

"Nothing a lot of people hate me..." I said with a sigh .

Mikey then asked, "Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay..."

We were now walking to our houses. I didn't know where Gerard and Mikey lived but I figured they lived nearby, since they didn't take the school bus. We went in the same direction of my house. Did they live on my block?, I asked myself. Maybe they lived a few houses down? I tried imagining what their house looked like.
"Frank? Me and Gerard live a few blocks down. Do you live near here?"
I stayed silent for a few seconds, I was excited by his question but I tried not to show it.
"Actually Mikey, I live on this block," I said in a rushed tone.

Gerard then added, "Hey Mikey let's walk Frankie home, since this is his block ."
Frankie? Did Gerard just call me Frankie? Whatever there's nothing wrong with Frankie, I personally like it.
"You guys don't have too" I said, which made Gerard furrow his eyebrows.
"We don't have too, but we want to" Gerard said with a friendly smile.
I think my cheeks turned red, mainly because they became hot.
"Okay then" I said in defeat.
We were at my house. I was embarrassed, my house looked like it came straight out of a horror movie; chipped wood, chipped paint, stairs that sank in. The house was two stories high.
"This is my stop," I said embarrassed.
"Oh..." Gerard and Mikey said in unison.
I shrugged, not knowing what else to do.
"Hey Frankie, can I get your digits?" Gerard asked, which honestly shocked me.
"Sure thing, hold up. Let me write it down for you." I said searching through the my backpack. I started writing down my number and handed it to Gerard we said goodbye to each other and went our separate ways.

Sorry I took so long to publish this, my laptop is broken and is currently being repaired *sigh* This was short, but I hope you guys enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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