That Night

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I got dressed and brushed my hair and walked down the stairs back to Jessy. He was on his phone texting someone but didn't get to see the name or what they were saying. He turned around and saw me and said "You look good." Even though I had only changed shirts and put on tight jeans. I smiled at him and we walked out the door to his truck, it was a blueish greenish color. We got in and he started up the car and turned the radio on low to be in the background. "So what's on your mind? Ya know other than the deaths and missing people ." I just look forward and say "My brother, my Mom, that day..." He looks at me, "I'm sorry." he says in a comforting voice. "It's OK. Can we not talk about that?" "Sure. What was up with you being sick all week out of nowhere?" "I don't know. I just got sick." I tell him. He pulls over stares at me hard. "I'm not stupid." he says rather blandly.

"I know." I say looking at him. He widens his eyes telling me to tell him what's up. "Fine," I say "I thought I'd been going to school all last week but it turns out I hadn't. I think that I might have slept and dreamed I had went to school and the dreams felt so realistic because you know I never dream." He looks away to ponder what I said, "Maybe." he says "I hope you're OK in that beautiful mind." It didn't dawn on me that he had just called me beautiful till I thought about it and smiled at him while putting my hand around his and holing it. We talk about the future and how it's like we're dating but haven't made it official and how our friends joke about us as if we were dating and say we should just go ahead and get together. Then he told me something, something I'd been waiting for a long time to hear, but the way he said it was different, I could tell it was special and meant more than before, "I love you." Yeah he said is before but it was the way he said it and the way his eyes weren't like they usually were I didn't see his eyes, I saw his heart.

We sat there for a good 2 hours talking and it was starting to get late and I was tired again even though I'd slept a lot that day. "You ready to go home?" he asked. "Not yet." I say "Pull the truck over farther into the woods and make the back face the woods." He shrugs and does as I say. When he cuts the truck off I climb out and get in the back and tell him "Hurry it up! I'm getting lonely back here!" He quickly stumbles out of the driver door and hops in the back with me. "What's this about?" He asks. I take off my shirt and move over and sit on his lap. "Oh!" he says excitedly and starts to take off his shirt. I lean down and kiss him then start to unbuckle his pants slowly.

It was my first time and I knew it was his first time too but luckily he had always carried condoms with him just in case. If went by faster than I'd thought it would, about 5 minutes. I was expecting at least like 7 but after all it was only my first time. We cleaned up after ourselves and made out a little more then went on to start heading home. On the way back asked me "Why the sudden interest in sex? You didn't want it before in your house and you never seemed like the type to do that." I didn't really know what to say, part of me wishes I'd have kept waiting and part of me just wants to please him and make him happy. "I don't know." I tell him honestly. "Well I'm glad you were in the mood but you know you could've waited. I could've been patient." I think for a few seconds. "I was done waiting, I wanted it." His eyes widened with surprise. "Well if you ever want it again, ya only gotta ask." He said with a small bit of laughter. "I know." I say.

We got back to my house around 6 and I was really tired for some reason. He walked me back to the house and hugged me really tight then we said our goodbyes and he left. I opened the door and my dad was pulling up the driveway, he left work early that day for fear of leaving me alone at home at night with all the killings happening. I knew that already but asked anyway, "Why are you home so early?" "I didn't want you home alone at night tonight." He answered. I walked up the stares and my phone went off. It was Jessy "Wyd?" I read it and walk up the stares, "About to take a shower and sleep." I respond. "Oh well text me when ur out." I put my phone up and turn the brightness all the way up to use more battery life because I don't like to waste and I knew I wasn't gonna stay up long after I got out.

I finished up in the shower and dried off. The whole time in the shower all I was thinking about was Jessy and how happy he really made me. Even though I don't show him and I don't tell him, he still knows he does. I texted him telling him I was out and he texted back "Whats on your mind?" I text back, "Nun much" Which was a complete lie, I had too much on my mind, where was I for the whole week? Why did I remember going to school but not actually go? Why did I have a dream all of a sudden? Why was that dream so strange? Why are people going missing all of a sudden? What the fuck was going on? I didn't feel like talking so I texted him "Goodnight. Im really tired so I'm gonna sleep. Ill ttyl." I turn off my phone and put it on charge after I do my streaks and fall asleep almost instantly.

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