Maybe It's Connected?

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I woke up exhausted and annoyed by that alarm clock as usual. I had another dream but it was only like memories, I remember a really hard shock and a loud noise like a bang and a flash then I remember fear, but not my own fear. Like I knew something or someone else was scared then that liquid warm feeling again. My Dad walked in and said "No school today due to the murders." he seemed more depressed than usual. His eyes were hiding something and I could tell it. "What's wrong?" I ask as he is walking out the door. He turned around and looked at me, "Karya, your friend, she was found in the back of the grocer down the street. She was stabbed 26 time with a garden pichfork." Then he walks out of my room. He was as hurt as I was. She was like a sister to me. We grew up together. I started balling into tears. I was thinking that it couldn't get any worses. Everyone around me is dying. Why the fuck was this happening to me? Who the hell was killing them?!? In my mind i was thinking of some way to find the fucker that was doing this. So i started doing some research.

The killer only acted at night and seemed to be going for teens that go to Trechek High School, the death of Mr. Camerroll and the priest were different though. Maybe they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and happened to be there. I got a text from Jessy asking "I'm coming over. Hold on." I hadn't asked him to come or even told him I was sad. He just knew. But it wasn't sorrow as much as it was pain and anger. I was fucking pissed. I honestly didn't want him to come over because I figured I would probable end up getting mad at him for something and I didn't want that at all. But I just went with it and let him come over, he might be able to help anyways.

When he walks in I am sitting at my computer looking at the news feed and reading articles about it. "You really shouldn't be looking at that, you're still accepting the fact that they're gone. You don't want to get your mind off of everything?" He says. "No." I respond letting him know I'm not joking around. "Well in that case, what are you doing anyway?" "I'm looking for any information I can use to find this sun of a bitch." I say sternly. "Then what are you gonna do? Go after him? There's not much you can do that would help." I pay him no attention and keep reading the article I had been reading over and over looking for any clues. "Well whatever you intend to do I'll help, you're not doing it alone." He says sitting down beside me pulling up an article about the investigation on his phone.

About an hour goes by and all we can find is that the person is really good at what they do. No finger prints, no footprints, no pictures or cameras with them in it, no anything. "It's like they're a ghost." Jessy says under his breath. "No, they're just really good. They know where the people lived, where to avoid to stay out of the cameras, who they want and just how they want them. The person must be from around here." I say thinking. "Well you're probably right. But what if it's not one person? Look at the ways they we're killed, some were stabbed and some were beaten. It's like they have two ways of killing instead of one, most killers stick to one way because they feel more pleasure out of that way... I watch a lot of Criminal Minds." I think about it and he might be on to something. "You might have something there." I tell him. "Yeah well that doesn't really help with finding out who." "Still it's something." I respond. We sit silent for a good while and think, then he says something, "What if it's connected to your dreams? Like maybe you're meant to solve these murders." I do nothing and think about it. "Maybe you're sleeping more because you're brain needs a lot of time to process whatever it's doing." After a good bit of pondering I respond "Well maybe you're right. Or maybe I'm just loosing my mind." He looks at me kinda funny and says "When in the Hell did you have your mind to begin with?" I give him a steel cold look and say"Not the time to joke."

Not going to lie, having him there was better than being alone, not because he can help me find them but because I didn't want to be alone. He was helpful too I guess you could say. He pointed out some good things I'd have missed otherwise. But time passed and didn't get very far. We decided to call it a night and get back on it tomorrow because school was still out. I showered, put on a t-shirt because I was cold, and went to sleep after saying goodbye to Jessy and giving him a hug. Before he even left the the house "Goodnight 😂" he didn't answer. When I slept I dreamed about the same dreams as before with only a few small details different. I remembered feeling my hair get tugged really hard and I could remember the feeling of my fingerbails getting pulled at like I was scratching a pillow really hard, or a carpet. Then the liquid and the water and I woke up. I noticed my clothes had changed. I wasn't wearing the T-shirt I had put on and my bra wasn't the same bra I had. I didn't remember getting up to change or anything. I got up and looked around then went to my closet to put on some more cloths but I saw that my favorite shirt had gone missing, alone with my jeans I planned on wearing today. I figured my dad had finally decided to wash some clothes even though they weren't dirty, it was a step in the right direction. I walked down to ask about it and he just looked at me. Like I was crazy. Like I had just threatened his life. Like I had just killed someone and he saw.

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