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I love sleep. Sleep is beautiful, wonderful; splendid. It's the best damned thing anyone could ever wish for. I really feel sorry for the people who have insomnia. Because to me, sleep is the only remedy capable of relieving me from my fucked up life.

You see, the thing is, when I'm asleep, I only dream of good things. I don't have frequent nightmares like some people do. Even when I'm not dreaming, everything about sleeping is peaceful.

The real nightmare is when I'm awake.

Every time I open my eyes I wish I hadn't. It's that moment when you look out your window and come to grips that your life is a tragedy. You want to go back to sleep so badly, craving for all of it to go away and blackness overwhelm you so you can feel at peace again. But it simply doesn't.

And that's when you have no choice but wake up to reality, take a deep breath and get out of bed to face another dreadful day.

It's amazing how a decade can pass so fast you don't even realize it. I mean, one moment you're ten years old. So innocent, so full of life and excitement of the world you barely know anything about but fascinates you in every way imaginable.

Then suddenly, that same innocence, that same desire to live vanishes right alongside everything you most loved and honored in your small little world.

A world so small in perspection, yet so big in imagination; becomes so ruined with everyone and everything that's so wrong in the planet. It all comes crashing down, tearing you up inside and leaving a hollow shell behind.

It's sickening, I know.

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