Chapter 3

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The following night.

    We decided to call it off. Abigail was invited to some party, and frankly, I was too tired to actually do anything. While she went off, I remained in my bedroom. I stared at the illuminated moon in awe. I was jealous of it. My fascination with something so distant made me crazed. I guess maybe it was my passion to get away. Sometimes I felt stuck at my house. Sometimes it was like my feet were planted on the floor of my bedroom. I didn't want to be stuck, but where else could I go? There's nothing else I can do. Abigail has invited me to countless parties, but I don't want to be involved in that scene. Those parties are full of cliques, drinking, and probably more illegal stuff. I assume when the cops always show up and I'd probably give us all away by not hiding quick enough or something. I just don't want to be involved, and that's that. 

    Abigail always calls me a goodie-goodie. It's a silly expression, but it is probably true within her standards at least. I always have to be careful. Not in like a crazy way or any psycho thing like that, I just don't like getting in trouble. Like, if I was caught drinking, I'd never forgive myself. I just don't want to be stupid. Of course, I always deny the allegations of me being a goodie-goodie. But Abigail always brings up the fact that I have never broken a single bone in my body, I create my own limits, and sometimes, I carry a mini-first aid kit around in my backpack. Yes, all three of those were true. Except I took my first aid kit out of my bag for a few weeks, until one day I was walking home and became suddenly graceful and tripped and slid on concrete knees first. At that moment I wished I had anti-bacterial spray and loads of band-aids. But don't get me wrong, it was mentioned that I have never broken a bone in my body, which is true, but of course, I have bruises and scars here and there. I still had a childhood! That and I tend to fall a lot for no reason. Sometimes my leg tends to give out and I fall. But that is no matter, sorry I am just rambling. And rambling gets me in trouble or causes others to yawn.

    But tonight. Tonight, it's different. It's a night I could potentially have all to myself. Which isn't entirely rare, but sometimes, it is nice. Tonight, I just wanna go out. I don't care where. I just want to find a place, where maybe, I can people-watch. And I can be alone for awhile. Not in a creepy way! But, it is always very interesting to accidentally eavesdrop on a conversation for no reason. But I figure, let's just go to a coffee shop just down my street, it's open late, and I can potentially write there. I'll bring my journal, and just write whatever comes to mind. When I was little, I convinced myself that if I keep a diary of some sort, maybe it'll be some use to history or to someone someday. Or maybe it'll be just really good nostalgia. For now, it is to preserve my memories. Not all of my memories are full of perfect rainbows and sunshine either. There's some dark stuff in there, but don't worry, it's not all deep. It's full of random sketches, ideas, formulas, and maybe a sprinkle of poetry. And it's private. If I lost that thing, it's almost like a teenage girl losing her cell phone. Yeah, I thought to myself, let's just go for a coffee and some relaxation. Some alone time will be nice. At a public place? Why not? Hiding in plain sight is very strategic in life. So in all reality. I will be alone. And I think I am okay with that. 

    I packed a miniature purse and headed towards the shop. It was only roughly 3 blocks away, and fresh air perpetually remedies the soul. I gathered some cash, my journal, my silver pen, earbuds, and my phone. That's all I required. The air was cool, and the dainty breeze chilled my body every once in a while. All I could hear is my own breathing, my insignificant footsteps ensuing the sidewalk ahead, and the occasional bug whirring past my ear. I checked my watch. 7:43. Eh, it's never too late, I thought to myself, I've got the entire night ahead of me. 

    I pulled the door to the shop open, and I instantly received a large whiff of strong coffee beans. It was a friendly smell, and couldn't help but smile. I immediately search for a solitary spot, preferably by a window, so I can look at the passing public. I searched for a place by the door, but the tables were mostly full. My sight makes a straight glance at the back corner, kind of behind the kitchen. There is a small table for one with a perfect sight of the street, and kind of seclusive from the main groups. Perfect. I gently unzip my bag and retrieve my journal, my pen, and my earbuds. I tenderly plugged my headphones into the small hole in my phone, and I placed one earbud in my left ear, leaving my right ear exposed to listen to the background noise. I picked up my pen and opened to a clean, new page in my journal. The muffled conversations around me faded. Time became a nonexistent piece of silk being unstrewn around me. The atmosphere is a deck of shuffled cards with every outcome flying out of hands. The night air filled each thought as my mind became clouded of ideas that never came to me before this moment. 

   I clicked my pen.

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