Chapter 5

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I still can not get that stranger off of my mind.

There seems to be something unexplained about him that I just can't put my finger on. My mind becomes too tired to fathom it all. 

Pretty much after the stranger left, I took it upon myself to decide to leave as well. As I walk home in the dark, with only the light from the street posts to guide me home, my phone buzzes. I reach into the warmth of my pocket to see who would be texting me at this hour. And of course, it's Abigail. 

hEY can u come get meeeeeee? 

Great. She's probably completely and utterly wasted. I text back.

Where are you? 

I barely wait for an answer. 


I can't help but roll my eyes. I love Abigail and all, but I just wish she would make better choices. She's probably off at some high school party drinking all the alcohol and vaping her own brain out. Sure, I sound like a mom, but logically, I would rather live longer than not being able to trust my own eyes. But whatever trouble she's in, I'll try to get her out of it. 

Abby. Please try to tell me where you are. 

She is usually very good at texting back immediately. 


Abby, can you call me? 

Now there's no quick answer. 


Still nothing. 


I decide to call her. The phone rings three times. A bit of static convinces me that she picks up. But I hear a recording of her instead. 

What's up? You've reached Abigail. Leave your message at the beep and hope that I get back to you! 


Even though she might not listen to her voicemail, I decide to leave a message anyway. 

"Hey Abby, it's me. Hey, just take a breath and call me back or text me or something. Just please tell me where you are. I will come to pick you up. You can even crash at my house tonight. Just, please wait there and tell me where you are. I'll be there as soon as I can, just answer. Alright? Bye." 

I hang up. I look down the sidewalk to see where exactly I am. I'm not too far from home. It's just around the corner. Even though Abby's situation isn't new, I still get frightened by it. It doesn't take me long to decide I'm going to pick up my pace. So much for a nice night alone. I take longer strides and pick up on the art of speed-walking until I reach my garage. As I'm opening the garage door, I feel my phone vibrating from my pocket. God, I hope it's Abigail.

Incoming call from ABIGAIL. 

Thank God. I immediately pick up. 

"Hey Abby, where are you right now?" I say with extreme urgency. A voice responds on the other line.

"Hey, um, who is this?" The voice on the other end sounded completely sober. I know for sure it wasn't Abby, for this voice belonged to a boy. 

"Why do you have Abby's phone?" I try to babble calmly. I start feeling more worried than I've ever felt. God, I hope Abby didn't get herself kidnapped or get involved in some other dangerous situation. I swear to God I'll kill her if she dies. 

"Hey, hey, hey, don't worry, she's okay," the voice lets out a laugh, "but she is out of her mind!" 

The voice laughs again and I hear a crowd roar in the background. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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