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She is the type of flower that can still grow after a forest fire.

Please do me a favor and CLICK ON THAT LITTLE STAR ⭐️ BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR SCREEN. It would really make me smile😀


I found myself in my old house; that cozy place I had been known to call home. It had its usual lukewarm humidity and the dim lights glowed brighter. In the middle was the grand piano; a black beauty.

"I'd love to hear you play," a voice told me. It was a familiar voice, a voice that could dazzled my skies.

I looked around me.

Nobody was there.

"Come here, Serena," it told me, "I'll play with you. We'll do a piano duet."

On the stool beside the piano was Adrian. He was wearing a black tuxedo and his hair was messy. What made me freeze was the way he looked at me. There was a new glint in his eyes that I had never seen before.

He was expecting me.

I approached him, reluctantly.

I wanted to wrap my arms around him but I was afraid of the piano. I was afraid that I might accidentally play a note of it. I was afraid that I would forget that I hated music.

"Don't be afraid, let's play together."

I looked at him. He had his hand lowered to my side, clearly expecting me.

"I can't play." I told him.

"Liar. You know you can. Why do you lie?"

I hesitated.

"I don't want to play." I admitted, honestly.

"Then, come sit by my side. I will play you a song instead."

With reluctant steps I neared him. His gorgeous eyes welcomed me as I stood next to him and watched his clever hands wander among the black and white to mound a song I have never heard before.

In fact, I was not even afraid to hear it.

"Serena, wanna know a secret?"

I nodded.

"The sweetest song I've ever sung of," he looked at me. "That's you Serena, you are that song. You are the only song I will ever sing again."


"Wake up baby. It's almost evening."

It was clearly the voice that sang in my dreams. A bit dreamy and mesmerizing. A beautiful masculine voice that belonged to a demigod.

The demigod was looking at me.

"Hello beautiful." He greeted me and kissed my forehead.

"What was that for?"

"For waking up beautiful... mind if I kiss you again?"

I gathered my instincts. Adrian and I were still on the floor, a blanket tangled between our legs. As I wriggled closer for him to kiss me, I suddenly remembered what happened.

Didn't we just try to have sex?
I touched my chest.
Oh God.
I was naked.
And so was he.

"What's wrong beautiful? Did you have a panic attack again?" A worried expression was on his face again as he locked me into an embrace.

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