chapter 1:the meet

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Paul wakes up, coverd in sweat. Hes panting heavily as hes in his bed in his room. He sighs after a minute before laying back down. He stares at the ceiling. He closes his eyes; trying to go back to sleep but no such luck. He soon gets up and heads to the kitchen. He sees the fridge open as he sees his son rooting around in there "Tord..what are you after?", he said in a slight choked but soft tone. "Melk" the six year old Norwegian said.
"At least ask before helping yourself", he grabs the milk out the fridge and a glass cup. He puts them on the side as he flicks the light on and looks at the clock. 4:00am. Great. He pours the milk in the glass, "warm or cold?" Paul glances at the other,"varm" Paul smiles slightly as he grabs tords cuppy and puts the milk in there instead, he then puts it in the microwave,"you make me move too much kid" Tord simply giggled. After the milk was warmed up Paul took the cuppy out the microwave.
He gave the cuppy to Tord as Tord started to immediately drink from it. Paul watched the lil brat he called his son as he went to look in the cubords for something to eat,"Tord, do you mind going to Toms for a bit today? Ive got work..again" Paul looked over at Tord who death glared Paul, "fin tispe" Paul rolled his eyes,"maybe Tom can teach you more english hm?" Paul got a grunt for a response. After rooting around in the cupboards he settled down for some cerial. He couldent be arsed to cook today. After the finnished his breakfast he checked the clock, 4:30. Damn; todays going slow. Tord walked upto Paul and punched Pauls leg,"hEy" he glares at Tord, who glared back,"what was that for?" Paul whimperd,"w e a k" Tord scoffed,"i want to watch TV" with Tord you didnt get polite. You get 'i want'.
It was irritating but Paul put up with it. He walked over to the couch where they watched TV for a bit. It soon got onto 7:00 and paul had to get ready for work. He worked with the police, he gaured the cell's and im talking about those pure buildings that are just F U L L of cell's. He worked at one where the most deadly criminals go. It was about two hours drive but he did the late shifts. He went upstaires to get ready, going to his closet,"..." he sighs as he pulls out his work clothes. It looks more like army gear than police gear but it was for their safety. He took off his top as he looked at his arms, he shook his head slightly as he put his work gear on. He put on the belt with various weapons on it but he noticed his pistal was missing,"wh...TORD!" He walked down stairs to see Tord gone,"TORD THIS ISNT FUNNY IVE GOT WORK!" Paul growled lowly. Tord soon appeared, laughing. He gave Paul his gun back as Paul couldent help but smile,"c'mon you lil shit." He turned the TV off and got Tord dressed. They then headed outside as Paul locked the dront door. They got in the car and started heading to Tom's,"now Tord i dont want you to fight with Tom this time, understand?" Tord looks at Paul for a second, examining his facial expression,"forstås" Paul nods as tord understands. They soon arrive at toms place as they get out the car and head to the door. Paul knocks on it as Tom opens it,"...g r e a t"Tord yawns slightly,"Tord be good.
Tell your brother i said hi, Tom" Tom nods as Paul walks back to his car. He then drives off to work. While stopping at a red light his fingures tapped the steering wheel impatiently as he kept his eyes on the light. As the cars get going he soon arrives at the parking lot. Theres only a few cars, shit, are they low on staff? They cant be can they? He got out his car locking it as he starts walking towards the dock. Each officer had their own boat driven by a private boat driver.
Paul greeted his driver as he hopped in. The building was in the middle of nowhere in the ocean. He remembers adopting tord for the first time and him going to work. The baby sitter Paul left Tord with said tord was scared out his living mind. Now Tords adapted to it and knows Paul will come back every time. He soon gets there as he gets off the boat. He walks in through the gates and as usual hes greated by screaming, shouting, the reeking smell of blood, rotten bodys and rotten food. He greets a few gaurds as he heads to his post. He stops a gaurd he knows well and asks why there on such short staff,"we just had two new criminals come in. They look weak but god do they know their guns. Most of us are in the hospital" Paul's heart sank,"i might need to check these two out myself" the other shrugged,"just dont get yourself killed or hurt. One of them was hiding a knife" Paul nods as he heads to the cell's. He heads to the top floor where the most deadly criminals are. He gets growled at now and again but thats nothing new. He soon gets to the last cell and looks at the check board,"Pay and Patryk..not the most menacing names huh? And considering your both omegas. Thats impressive, honestly" one omega was bigger than the other. He grunts,"why not tell me which is which?" the taller one speaks,"I'm younger brothers Pay" Paul's eyes sharpen slightly,"Polish...we dont have Polish round here" Pay was sat in a corner as he shuffles slightly, "Your from the Netherlands, correct?" the shorter replied,"observant.."Paul praised,"well i have a feeling you two will try to escape. So i wish good luck to you "he walks off,"thats what you think.."the taller mumbles. As the days went on, Pay and Patryk settled in more and more. Paul started calling Patryk Pat for short and Patryk didnt mind it; But he acted as if he hated the name. Soon came body check day,"body check?" Paul nods,"nothing to worry about."we just check you to make sure you're not hiding anything and lucky for pat here, I've got him" Pat snarled lightly,"we'd have an omega check you but sadly you injured most of them" Paul growled softly. He opens the cell door for Pat as he walks out. Paul then closes the door and locks it as he cuffs Pat,"come along omega" Paul mummers,"stop tresting me  like I'm 'your' omega" Paul looks amused,"amusing you are" they soon get to a private room as Paul locks the door and throws his keys on the desk in the middle of the room. Pat looked in each corner,"yes theres cameras in every corner" Paul put on some gloves,"like i didnt expect that" Patryk grunts. Paul starts patting the other down starting with the top half,"your in prime kicking position" Paul smiles,"why are you smiling? That was a threat" he chuckles,"oh i know. Im just immune to them. You act like my son" Pat looked confused,"agressive?" Paul glared at him,"violent" Pat was taken aback a bit,"how old is he?" Paul hesitates,"..six " Pat looked shocked,"WHAT!?"

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