Chapter 3:Like father like son

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-2 weeks later-

Paul was shopping with Tord. Tord was reading out items on the list while Paul went to the destinations and grabbed the item. Tord was walking next to Paul and sometimes sat inside the trolly. They were just having a bonding time. "And now we have finished tha list" Tord hummed out. Paul stretched. "Why not get some snacks then? I get paid soon" Tord's eyes brighten. Pauls payday is best day, only due to Tord draining Paul from his money again. Paul knew that stare, "your not making me bankrupt again nuh uh not this time you lil shit" a few parents looked at Paul as Paul swore infront of his child but he didnt care, Tord was a piece of shit and if someone wanted to try and control him, be his guest. They went down to the sweet isle since Tord was someone who loved sugar like most kids. He chose some gummy worms cuz gummy worms. "Good choice" Paul smiles. "I learn from the best~"
Paul chuckled at his son's response. They go to the check out, put the item's in the bags and make their way to Paul's car. Paul put the bags in the boot as Tord sat in the front and strapped himself in. Paul put the trolly back and soon got back to sit in the drivers seat. "Took your time" Tord mocks. "I was gone no longer than three minuets" Paul says jokingly offended. Tord giggles as they soon set off to home. Tord was playing a game on Paul's phone as Paul soon had his mind back on Patryk. He soon shook his head and concentrated back on the road. "Whatcha thinkin 'bout?" Tord asks, not looking up from his game. Paul hesitates before responding, "just some prisoner" Tord groans. "Your not going to try and hook up with them again? The last one hurt you and that was an ass to deal with" Paul simply laughs. "Well this one seems different. Hes called Patryk" Paul hummes. "How long he in jail for, why and wheres he from?" Paul rolles his eyes. Tord always did this when Paul fell for someone in the cells. It was a bad thing he shouldn't really do but what can he say, hes a sucker for bad boys. "Hes in for a few month's, he killed a few Omegas and hes Polish" Tord looked at him questionably. "Why is he in for only a few M O N T H S for killing the legit army" Tord didn't understand this. Well he is only like six. "Hes being unusually good. Hes one of three people there who are on the set free early list" Tord shrugged. "As long as he's not hurting you that's fine with me" Tord went back to being silent, letting out a few slurs as he failed the game. Paul sighed softly. They soon got home, they unloaded the car and put the shopping away, Tord instantly going for his sweets but Paul grabbed them first. "Dinner before sugar~" Paul grinned at Tords huff. Tord went to sit on the couch and watch TV as Paul started making dinner. He desided to make tuna pasta since it was light. Paul chopped some cucumber as he hummed a song. Tord was sat upsidedown on the couch growing hungry and impatient. "Hurry the fuck up old mAn" Tord growled. Paul rolled his eyes. 'Alpha pups are always stubborn'. Tord soon walked to the table as Paul dished up dinner. As Paul put the plate of food infront of Tord he dug straight into it. Paul sat opposite him as he ate his portion of the meal. It was silent appsrt from the TV in the background and the clock ticking. Tord was the one to break the silence. "So this Patryk guy, what he look like?" Tord asked. Paul thought for a moment. "Well hes tall, brunette with bangs, hazel eyes.."Paul mummered off after that. "Paul your mummering, paul, paUL, PAUL" still hasnt snapped out of it. "" Paul looks at Tord. "Yes?" Tord sighs. "You're an idiot" Tord carried on eating. "I'm well awair" once they both finished Paul washed up while Tord carried on watching TV. Paul remembers something. "Tord you need your shower tonight" and the kid is gone. Gj Paul. Gj. Paul was ready for the battle today. After he turned the tap off and dryed his hands he went on the search for Tord. First was Tords bedroom. Paul looked up and down but couldent fined anything. He did fined something a six year old shouldent have though. Hentai comics. Endless amounts of it. "How the fuck did he get these" Paul was confused. He didn't mess with them though due to..previous experiences. He left them on Tords bed as he went to check the rest of the house untill he heard a noise coming from the bathroom and found a lil Tord behind the curtons of the bath. "Clever" Paul said as he turned the shower on, making Tords clothes wet. Bath time was a battle. It took longer than it should have as Tord escaped twice and made Paul wet but it was over after two hours of the war. Paul was going through Tords wardrobe and pulled out some PJs. "Tord i want to know where you got those..c o m i c s" Tord didn't awnser. He just simply put them back under his bed as Paul got closer. He put Tord in his PJ's, tucked him into bed and walked out as he switched the light off, leaving the door open slightly. Today wasnt too bad. It went smoothly and atleast Tord knows who Paul is falling for next. Problem is does Pat feel the same? Probably not. Paul went to his room, got his PJ's on and climbed into bed. He'll have to wait and see.

For the lack of Tord have some father and son bonding time /uwu/

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