Chapter 2: Coming out

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Paul was doing his last rounds of the cells before heading home. As he walked up he got to Pats and Pays cell. Pay was asleep while Pat was leaning against the bars. "...another fight i assume?" Paul glared at the tall omega. Patryk looked away trying to hide his face. Paul sighed. "Show me your wounds" Patryk scoffed,"why do you care? Surely people like you who work here dont give two shits about others getting hurt" Patryk looked at Paul, blood slideing down his face. His voice was aggressive but his eyes were soft. "Thats what you lot think. Your not in here for a life-time just for a few years or so. Forgot how many but not alot. Think of it this way; play nice and you might be able to get out faster, you and your brother" Patryk was confused on why Paul was telling him this but he didn't question. Paul stood up and unlocked the door letting Pat walk out. He then closed and locked out, not hand-cuffing Pat. Paul lead Patryk to his office. "Wait here and ill get a wet cloth" as Paul walked out he locked the door. After a minute or two Patryk got up and started searching the room. "Theres got to be something.." he mummered under his breath. He hears something electronic as he looks up in the top left corner of the room. "Basterds...have cameras everywhere dont you?" he knew he was in for it now. He sat back in the chair as the door unlocked and Paul walked in with a wet cloth. He placed his keys on the desk and walked to Pat. As he started cleaning the blood off, Patryk was waiting to be told to not root around the rooms or scolded but, to his surprise it never happened, Paul cleaned and patched Pat up and then took him back to his cell. "Try and get into less fights" after Pat was settled back in his cell he tried rethinking what just happened. When paul got back to his car he started driving back home. Tord wanted to stay over at Tom's house and Paul didnt mind that so he had the house to himself. He parked in his parking space and locked the car door as he walked upto the front of the house. He hesitated before unlocked the door and walking in. He closed the door behind him and threw his keys on the coffee table. He walked into the kitchen and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked a mess. Scruffy hair, bags under his eyes. He was almost glad Tord stayed at Tom's. Almost. He walked to his room and started undressing as he went to the bathroom to take a shower. The warm water felt calming and nice untill he had to get out. He dryed his hair and wraped a towel around his waist. He huffs slightly in slight delight from not having to bathe Tord tonight. He can relax. He went to his wardrobe and grabbed his favorite red sweater and some jeans. After getting dressed up, despite it being midnight, he went to the kitchen to look for something to eat. He decided salad with some chicken would be nice since he wasn't that hungry. After preparing his meal he sat on the sofa and switched on the TV. He decided to watch some comedy since Tord wasnt a fan of comedy and Paul hardly ever got to watch it. The now empty plate was on the table and Paul was standing in the front doorway, smoking. He didnt like smoking infront of Tord, he knew it wasnt healthy for Tord to even breath it in, learning this as a child of parents who smoked. He watched a few people go by but payed them no mind. His mind soon focused on Patryk, he didnt know why but Patryk couldn't get out of his head. He shook his head as he disposed of the cigarette that was in his mouth and walked bsck inside, closing the door. He crawled into bed and layed there for atleast what felt like an eternity but only happened to be a few minutes, however he soon collapsed into a daze of sleep. He woke up the next morning to his alarm going. He groaned at he rolled around for a bit before switching the alarm off. He couldent be arsed going to work. He wanted to stay home and cry all day but then again, he needed the money. He did the same routine he does everyday except without Tord, so the entire house was silent all morning. Paul sometimes hated the silence. Made him worry that Tord had disappeared or something. He soon enough arrived at work. His start to the morning was free so he decided to get his paper work out the way with. After that he was put on field time duty. While leaning against the fence, gun st his side and cigarette in his mouth, he saw Patryk walking over to him. Paul looked away and at a few other inmates. "You dont seem cocky today" Patryk grins slightly. He got a simple grunt as a response. "...somethings obviously up, whats wrong?" Paul showed his teeth slightly as he snarled. "Non of your buisness" Pat raiaed an eyebrow. "Your way too nosey" Paul huffed. Patryk looked proud of himself for being nosey and getting into people buisness. "Ive just had alot on my mind lately" Paul explained. "Like...?" Patryk leaned against the fence with him. " im not good enouth for anyone.." Patryk looked slightly surprised. "Yoooour not married?" Paul glanced at Pat, "no im not" "but you have a so-" Paul cut him off. "Hes adopted" Patryk fell silent. "I see.." they were both silent for awhile before Paul spoke up. "Plus im not in the best physical state at the minute" Pat looked at him curiously. Paul reached his hand up to pull his cigarette out his mouth. As he did so his sleve slid down a bit reveling a few cuts on his wrist before putting his arm back down. "So i see" Pat looked at a few people. The bell went for the inmates to go back to their cells. As Paul turned to face Patryk, Pat looked into pauls eyes. They looked dead...cold...lifeless. But when Pat looked into them and Paul noticed, a glint of shine was in them. Pat quickly turned away and started walking back to his cell. As he turned around his face flushed lightly. What was this?

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