The Mission

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Zero glanced at the abandoned mansion at the edge of the forest bordering their city. The association reported that there was suspicious vampire activity in the area surrounding the mansion.

The mansion had been abandoned for years after the massacre that occurred there. After that it had become infested with level Es. The association never paid it much attention since nobody ever came within the vicinity of the mansion and surprisingly, the level Es never went out and attacked anyone. It had led to the conclusion that maybe some pure blood was in the area commanding the level Es.

Now the HA suddenly decided to send him here to investigate 'suspicious' vampire activity. The only thing Zero found suspicious, was the actions of the HA.

Holding Bloody rose at the ready, Zero moved forward carefully.

He could sense no level Es or any vampires at all in the area and that was enough to ring warning bells in Zero's head.

Something was very wrong here.

Zero's senses warned him of the incoming danger and he instinctively dived out of the way. Just in time to see the anti-vampire bullet that slammed into the spot he previously stood at.

Hunters! Why the heck are the attacking me?!

Zero rolled out of the way of another bullet. He was at a severe disadvantage. Bloody rose was only useful against vampires and hence he had no weapon, while the hinters have weapons that could kill him, due to his vampire nature.

A searing pain exploded at his shoulder. Zero saw one of the HA elite hunters standing behind him with an anti-vampire dagger buried in Zero's shoulder.

Zero didn't get much time to react before, a bullet pierced his lungs and a long sword in his abdomen.

The elite hunters... only called for extremely dangerous vampires. There was four- no five of them. Two standing behind as back up. So this was a set up. The HA wanted him gone.

Zero wasn't really surprised. He had long since seen this coming. But it didn't stop the bitter sting of betrayal.

He had wanted Yagari to be the one to end him one day. Guess that will not be happening.

The sword that kept him upright was pulled out and Zero slumped to the ground. Blood forming a puddle beneath him.

"The HA has no need for traitors." One hunter sneered and that took Zero by surprise.

"W-what?" He wheezed. Blood pooling inside his mouth a well. Traitor?

"We know of your allegations with the now pureblood princess Kuran Yuki. It was only a matter of time before you betrayed us for her. The association wanted you taken care of, before you became an even bigger threat."

Zero couldn't really keep the chuckle from escaping. He always knew that Yuki would be the end of him one day, but ofcourse, he had always imagined of dying trying to protect her or something along the line. But with how she changed...

The hunters were confused by the action. But they shrugged it off,

"Good bye Kiryu Zero."

Zero closed his eyes in acceptance as the hunter placed the gun point at his temple.

There was nothing left for him anymore. Ichiru was dead, Yuki was gone. It would be better to go down with what dignity he had left. Struggling would only be pointless... But still... he was Zero Kiryu, the last of the Kiryu clan and the stubborn hunter who loathes purebloods with a passion, it just wasn't in his nature to go down without a fight.

Zero's closed eyes snapped open startling the hunter who was about to pull the trigger.

In a move unexpected, Zero drove his knee upward and smashed the hunter's face. Zero let the pain fade away from his thoughts and let his years of training and instincts take control. He ducked and weaved through their attacks and defenses making the elites of HA stumble in their fights.

It soon became clear why exactly Kiryu Zero was one of the most revered hunter despite his vampire side. Had it not been for the fact that he was an ex-human he would've been made head of the HA already.

They had managed to take him by surprise in the beginning but in a head on fight, they stood no chance, even when Zero was injured and bleeding heavily.

Throughout the fight, not once did Zero's eyes turn red. They remained as lavender crystals, sharp and deadly.

Zero got stabbed at and shot at, twice more but in the end he came out on top.

Zero stood next to the unconscious hunters. Of course he hadn't killed them, he had no intention of doing that.

As his mind came out of his self-induced trance, the pain send him to the floor. His limps were unable to hold his weight anymore. Even his vampire side had been quieted by the intense exhaustion and pain. It became perfectly clear that he wouldn't be getting out of this one alive.

Zero simply sighed. He had no regrets. To him death meant that he would be with his family once again.

The sound of footsteps drawing near startles Zero. But he feels too sluggish and tired to react at all. He was going to die anyway.

Then there was someone leaning over him, or were there two? Zero wasn't sure, everything was blurry.

But to his confusion, he felt something warm and sweet flow down his throat. In one lurch, his vampire side made one desperate attempt at survival and his fangs now elongated, latched onto the bleeding wrist that was held above his mouth.

Clarity was lost as he felt his vampire side take control. but before he completely slipped away he heard a sweet voice speak;

"We finally found you, our mate."

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