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Here's the next chapter. It is short, I apologize for that. But I am a bit low on time. And if I don't update by tomorrow I will have to wait probably a month before I get a chance to post anything. So despite the shortness, I hope you enjoy.

Note 20/05/18: I made some changes to this chapter during the interaction between Zero and his Saviors. So those who already read this chapter might want to check it out.

The first thing that Zero noticed when he woke up was the roses. They were light lavender in colour and were placed in a vase directly in his line of vision.

The next thing he noticed was the two other people in the room. Zero was surprised he hadn't sensed them earlier. He must have been more out of it than he thought.

Zero tilted his head towards them to get a better look at the two.

It was a boy and girl, who looked to be around Zero's age.

The boy had startling red hair. It was long and flowed down the back of the chair he was resting on. He as well as the girl, was sleeping, so Zero had no idea of their eye colour. But the boy had a healthy golden tan and his skin looked smooth and unblemished, with a sharp angular face and aristocratic features relaxed in sleep. His peach pink lips stretched into a light smile.

He was sitting on the chair with the girl on his lap and her head resting on his shoulder. She had curled black hair that looked even longer than Ruka Souen's. She had alabaster skin colour, close to Zero's own porcelain skin tone. She was snuggling into the boy's chest with a small smile on her coral pink lips, which was plump and kissable.

For some odd reason, the sight of them made his heart beat faster and he had to brutally squash the urge to join them.

He tried to think of what happened.

As the memories of last night came rushing back he sat up quickly. A wave of nausea hit him faster than he could blink and his head began pounding with a fierce headache that left him stunned.

The boy's eyes snapped open and locked onto Zero's and Zero knew that may a thousand years pass he would never forget that particular shade of orange. His eyes were a fiery orange that took Zero's breathe away. Those eyes were sharp and focused, not sleep muddled like anyone would be just after waking up from sleep. The look in those eyes offered protection and love and Zero couldn't look away. Nausea and headache died down and became non-existent as if they didn't exist, to begin with.

The girl was groggier when she woke up and she blinked a few times slowly before looking at Zero. Her eyes were beautiful emerald green, that held so much warmth and comfort that Zero calmed down instantly. It felt like being covered in warm blankets on chilly nights.

"You're awake." She said softly and looked unsure of how to proceed.

She was nervous; Zero could see that much. And Zero wanted to hold her and comfort her, kiss away her worries and just be there for her, he had no idea why he was feeling this. He scowled at the intermittent thoughts and emotions that pushed into his head at the sight of the two beautiful beings.

Apparently, the girl took the scowl for him being angry and odd enough, flinched from his scowl alone. She looked down in apparent sadness, but why Zero had no idea, just that he was inadvertently the cause.

The man sighed and hugged her close by the waist and murmured sweetly to her that Zero wouldn't hate them, that he would understand and so on.

Throughout this entire ordeal, Zero had no idea what was going on. So he waited for the girl to calm down and for the man, who seemed to be the most composed of the three of them to explain things to him. But he did feel guilty for making the girl worried. He could just tell that she was terrified at the thought of him hating her. Zero wondered why that was so. Why did she love him like that when they didn't even know each other?

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