I before E unless after C...?

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Ah, typos. What would writing be without you?

As much as I take pride in my stories being typo-free, I have to admit that it doesn't always go that well with proper names. Especially if my dictionary doesn't know them and decides to underline them either way. Take "vertibird", for example. Even now when I write it, I see blazing red underneath!

Again, I sometimes have to rely on the Internet to get things right. I wouldn't want to mess up a name of a character or place. (You know what, turns out it's not actually River City! Who knew, eh?)

Best way to learn how to spell things right that I know is just playing with subtitles on all the time. The correct way of spelling will just seep right into your head.

But of course, not all of us have the time to replay the games for the thousandth time, so I'm including here a little dictionary of things the Fallout fandom often misspells:

Ad victoriam - not victorian, not, heavens forbid, "victorium"

Prydwen - not Prydwin or Pridwen. Please give the Brotherhood a rest.

Roger Maxson, Arthur Maxson - not Maxon. I've read The Selection too, okay? But it's not the same name.

Vault-Tec - this is the official, Bethesda-approved way of spelling the company's name. Not Tech. And that dash is important.

Pip-Boy - Kkat completely infected me with the PipBoy way of spelling - and since I hadn't played any Fallout games before, I for a very long time believed it was correct. Dropping the dash isn't maybe a big mistake, but still. If you want to be 100% correct, you should leave it.

Robert Joseph MacCready - I don't care if it's Fallout 3 or Fallout 4, this character's name was never spelled McCready.

Rivet City - and this here is my Achilles heel, because I believed for a very long time that it was actually River City. It wasn't.

Dogmeat - our favourite canine companion's name was always one word. Not Dog Meat, Dog-Meat or any other atrocity.

VATS - Okay, so this one is technically an abbreviation, so the V.A.T.S. way of spelling shouldn't be wrong. It's just that 1) all those dots look very distressing and 2) Bethesda already uses the VATS spelling in-game. It's just easier.
And, by the way, that stands for Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System. Not Advanced.

Paladin Danse - please don't call him Dance. Please don't.

Amata Almodovar - if you can't spell her last name, just omit it. Please. I've seen enough failed attempts.

Elder Lyons, Sentinel Lyons, Sarah Lyons - NO LIONS IN HERE. JUST HUMANS.

Butch DeLoria - hey, guess what! I actually misspelled his name in the last chapter! I won't correct it, it will serve as a reminder to do my research. The d should be a capital D.

Any other problematic names? I probably missed something, so don't be afraid to add your own observations in the comments!

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