Chapter Six: Happy Endings

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In Fred's opinion at least, he looked way too stiff and formal in his tuxedo, but Maddie had said it was wonderful. Maybe Fred was just nervous, he hadn't seen his bride in her dress yet.

"Are you ready?" Gilbert asked, standing beside his best friend at the hastily built chapel at Camp Jupiter, waiting for the wedding to commence. Fred bounced on the heels of his feet, waiting.

Suddenly, the traditional wedding march began and the doors swung open, Madeline entered the chapel, her white wedding dress trailing down the aisle.

There was lace wrapping its way up her neck and then down her hands, where it made a point connecting to her middle fingers. She walked with skilled grace, much to Fred's confusion until he saw that she was wearing her red and black converse sneakers.

Fred almost facepalmed but resisted the temptation, focusing instead on his bride's beautiful dress, hair, face, and... lips. Such beautiful lips, he thought dreamily.

When she finally reached the altar, Fred had fallen in love with her all over again. She turned and smiled as she saw their daughter rushing up behind her, carrying a bunch of tulips in her small fingers.

Reyna cleared her throat and began to speak, though Fred couldn't hear much of what the Praetor was saying. Maybe it was because he was still staring at Madeline's lips.

Finally, he heard Reyna say, "You may kiss the bride," and he smiled. I've been waiting for this moment my entire life, he thought, moving in. Madeline moved in too.

Their lips touched, and Fred knew it was totally worth it. Her lips were just as soft as they'd looked two seconds before the kiss.

It felt like there were fireworks exploding in the room, it was only the two in the universe, just them. They were finally married. Madeline only broke the kiss when their daughter began to pull on her dress. "Mama! Can you pick me up?" she said sweetly, her bouquet lay forgotten on the chapel floor.

"Sure," she said, picking her up. Abokado leaned over and kissed her father on the cheek, then kissed her mother on the same spot. There were cheers and cooes coming from the audience as they watched the small family.

All in all, things finally ended happily.

Authors Letters

Dear Readers,

I can no longer feel half of my brain. It has turned to mush due to all of this sweet crap that I just wrote. I had to write the majority of this half-blind because I was listening to music and couldn't wear both my glasses and my headphones. We were so happy to give them a family, I was so worried that Kat was going to kill their daughter, but instead, she killed my baby. My precious demon baby. Elliot is not amused. I had such a fun time writing this! Though I was trying to do way too much and got a little overstimulated. There is a reason behind why there are only six chapters, listen to nothing that Kat tells you, she lies, the reason is that I wanted to make the chapters the same length that regular authors do, but I think that I failed. I was also having some serious writer's block during the majority of this work. There is also a story behind the plot to this book, I had this weird dream where there was a girl who looked like a tree, she had skin that looked like the bark of a tree and her hair looked like the petals of the flowers that the fruit from the tree grew from. Her dress was made of leaves and her eyes resembled the fruit of the tree in the way that the outer part of the eye looked like the fruit and the pupil looked like the seeds of the fruit. Kat says that I'm the next Stephenie Meyer. I say that author needs to be killed with a Death Note, or at least those books all need to be shot into deep space. TWILIGHT. ISN'T. LITERATURE. We miss you Siax/Charlotte. Thank you for reading, I had a lot of fun writing this.

Sincerely, Lilly Flower

Dear Readers,

If you're wondering about the lips in the last chapter, that was, in fact, my weirdo brother having a weirdo idea. Like always.The lovey-dovey stuff was hard to write, actually, and, like, Lilly, half of my brain is now mush too. So Lilly and I put our heads together so that we have one whole brain between us and we finished the book. Also like always. I was reading the second Magnus Chase book during the middle and end of this book, but I hopefully didn't do any weird Magnus Chase stuff in-story. If I accidentally did without noticing, I am very sorry and you are welcome to file a complaint. Also, no matter what Lilly says, I am NOT a liar and also, Twilight IS literature. I know that for a fact. Sadly, thanks to my half-mush brain, I am unable to write anymore in a letter. So, I will have to close here.

Sincerely, Kat

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