part 24

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As I'm walking I feel more tears coming I run to the restroom and cry i slide down on the floor of the big stall and hold myself while crying
You thinking:I can't let my dad do this if he hurts him it will hurt me,I have to let him go
Just then I hear laughter it's Mackenzie and Avery
Mackenzie:lol did you hear that slut y/n broke up with Ethan awww poor baby (she giggles)
Avery:Yea now Ethan can be all mine
Mackenzie:let's go we'll be late
They leave
I stand up and walk out noticing I have red puffy eyes but then I wash my face and felt a bit better I get to my next class and see Abby she gesters for me to sit with her but then I remembered what my dad told me
Dad:"Oh and darling if you tell anyone of this your little boyfriend and everyone you love will die."
I then back away from the desk close to Abby and sit at the very back I sit down and Abby gives me a concerned,confused look I just look away and soon class starts
Class is over
Abby walks up to me
Abby:Hey y/n what's wrong
I look down and then at Abby
You:We.....we can't be friends
Abby scoffed
Abby:lol yeah right y/n you crack me up come on let's get to our next class
She grabs my arm but I let go
You:I'm sorry
Abby tears up little
Abby:yea me too,tell me when y/n comes back from being a bitch
She walks out and left me I start crying holding my face and quickly wipe them
You thinking:your doing the right thing your protecting them
I sniffled and left I went to my next classes and saw Ethan Abby and Grayson
I could see Abby turned and looked at me with sadness I'm guessing Ethan told her I just walked passed them soon class started
Everytime the teacher was talking I caught Ethan staring I just ignored cause I knew I would give in
But this one time when I did caught his eye I was lost and couldn't look away a tear fell from eye and the bell rings
I got up and quickly left wiping away my tear
Soon all classes goes by and school ends

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