Chapter 31

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Ana's P.O.V.

"I'm going to be honest with you, Ana. I wasn't expecting you to pull through... but here you are, looking as tantalising as ever. I hope I get some good action."


He was watching me, in the chair, waiting for my next move.
I couldn't fuck this up... it wasn't about me anymore.
The thought of the pain my friends were going through pushed me to get on with the filthy act.
I got down on my knees and I looked Jack straight in the eyes.

"Are you ready, baby?"

Christian's P.O.V.

I passed all of the red lights and was probably going about 100 mph but nothing was going to get in my way.

I knew where she was now. I had Taylor and Sawyer following me. There were more to come too.

As I drove, tears started to flow down my face and I let them. This was the first time I felt like everything was truly going to plan.
It was the moment I realised that I could save her and truly be there for her.
I'm on my way baby girl. And I'm never letting you go.

Ana's P.O.V.

"You look so fucking sexy down there. I think I deserve a lap dance... don't you agree?"
He was menacing.
But most certainly a pig.

He played some god awful racket that I forced myself to start dancing to.

I twirled around him and walked sexily around the chair, touching him ever so slightly.
I didn't know that I had the courage to do this.
I even straddled him on the chair and pushed my body up against him.
I could see... and feel how turned on he was getting.

Now for my final move.
I tried to hide my smile as I once again got on my knees, but this time I started to unzip his pants.

Here goes nothing.

My dignity and soul had gone out the window the moment my mouth found its way around his manhood.

This was worse than I thought it'd be.

Christian's P.O.V.

I ran into the cabin in the woods at a pace that was possibly as fast as Usain Bolt.
I fired at anyone and everyone who even attempted to get in my way.
Taylor was behind me kicking down all the doors, to which he found Kate, Eliot and José tied up.

That fucker was really going to get it this time.

There was one door left and I chose to pick the lock and creep in to surprise the asshole.

The sight in front of me made my whole body stiff.

I was looking dead straight at my worst enemy and the love of my life in the middle of some intense foreplay.

I started to feel the bile rise up in my throat.
This was the moment where I'd finally realise that she didn't want me. The anger began to build up and I was unaware of anything around me.

It happened in a split second and it took me a few moments to register what had happened since I was so completely out of it.

Jack Hyde was roaring in pain... but why?

Oh right... Anastasia Steele.. the innocent young women that once tripped into my office had just bitten down on his dick.

That's my girl...?

I'm still laughing at this ending tbh. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter haha because I loved writing it. I know it's been a month but I am super stressed out with my work load blah blah blah.
What pushed me to write this chapter was the amazing comments and support I got on my last chapter so thank you all because I do this for you.
Love you all unconditionally and don't forget to vote and leave a comment. I read every single one and smile at them all too.
Also get me to 100 followers 😉
Lots of love xoxo

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