Chapter 33

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Ana's P.O.V.

I looked down at my body.
Nope, nothing.
No blood, apart from what was already stained from earlier.
The bullet never hit me.
So who did it hit?

I turn around and my worst nightmare has just played out right in front of me.

Christian's P.O.V.

I knew it

I could see it in his eyes

The moment Ana broke free from his grasp, Jack was going to shoot.

Not in a million fucking years.

I jumped just in time.
The bullet never reached Ana.
That's because the barrier had been my chest.

Right. Over. My. Heart.


Jack's P.O.V.
Is this bitch psycho?
First she practically bites off my d*ck and now my arm.
Go back to the zoo you fucking whore.

I'm so angry, I'm sure they can all see it in my face.
I don't care what happens to me now, I just want her dead.

I shoot and I'm pretty impressed by my aim.

Except a certain somebody gets in the way.
Someone has to be dead, and if it's my more successful half brother then that's fine by me.

This is what you get for protecting the people you love.
Down you go Christian, I win.

Check. Mate.

Ana's P.O.V.
Am I hyperventilating?
I'm pretty sure I am.
It got him right in the heart.
I can't lose you Christian.
Please don't go. Not yet.

I ran to his lifeless body laying on the floor.
I look down at him and realise that I've lost the only man I've ever loved.
Tears wash over me and I hold him to my chest.
There's blood everywhere.
His blood.
Christian's blood.

I rock his body, not really sure what to do next. I'm unaware but I'm screaming at the top of my lungs.

I look over, the tears making it difficult to see but I can still make out a very scared looking Jack Hyde, crumpled in the corner.

"No baby, it's not your time yet."

Those are the last words I whisper before I get dragged away from Christian's body.

So this is an incredibly emotional scene. Who called it?
Is this the end of Christian Grey???
I'm afraid I can't tell you that yet.
We're slowly coming to a close on the book, I hope you're not as sad as I am.
Love you all so much and don't forget to vote and comment as always. Reading your messages of support instantly brighten my day xx
Hope you enjoyed!!

Mr grey, I will see you again...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang