Drugs, alcohol, and the Youth

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Dear underaged drinkers and drug users,

How do you do. No, I'm not going to waste an entire letter bashing you telling you what a horrible person you are or you are a failure or anything like that. I know there is so much more to you than that. 

I've had some experience with underaged drinkers and drug users. And one thing I can say with almost 100% confidence is that more likely than not, you are using as a way to mask a problem. It's many times a form of self-medicating. People usually don't go to such extremes as to put something harmful in their bodies and break the law if there wasn't something almost unbearable that they want to mask. I'm not trying to pretend I know what you're going through, because I don't. Only you truly know what you're going through. But the truth is, using drugs and alcohol doesn't get rid of the problem you're trying to mask. The problem is still there. It's like putting a band-aid on a wound that needs stitches. I've seen only a little of the things under aged drug users go through that makes them want to basically destroy themselves, and it tears me apart. But after talking to some underaged drug users and studying this stuff, there are a few main reasons why youth may drink, smoke, or use other drugs.

The biggest reason is that you may be restless. Maybe you're bored with your life? Maybe the routine of school life has got you overwhelmingly restless? I know this struggle. It's just pure torture to do the same boring, dumb stuff day in and day out. There are some alternatives you can do to address this problem. Maybe you're bored in school because the academic material is too easy for you. If this is the case, you're probably academically gifted and talented, and need more of a challenge. Let your teacher know! Let them know that it's too easy and you need more. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help you. If this isn't the case, that's okay too. We all are gifted in something. Find something worth while to occupy your time. Start working out and get ripped! Start writing a book. Learn to play an instrument. Find something to create. We all have the ability to create something. Creating something original is the highest level of thinking, which provides the brain with a fun, healthy challenge. Create a new work out. Create a comedy routine.Create poetry. Create a new song. Anything! Finding a project to start will help you find something productive, worthwhile, and fun to do. 

You may be restless due to anxiety. Maybe you use depressants to relax yourself? I also know anxiety all too well. It was basically my life for the longest time. But there are healthier ways to deal with anxiety! they aren't easy, but they're definitely worth it. The first thing you should do is find someone you trust to talk about it with. It's hard to battle anxiety alone. Ask them for support. Another thing is to start exercising, even if it means just walking to school or walking around the block every day or going for a swim. Exercise helps take the edge off of anxiety. You can write down your thoughts in a journal. Seek therapy if you can afford it. Learn breathing exercises. there's so much you can do to cope with anxiety in a healthy way.

However, if you're not restless, maybe you're using because you're exhausted? Maybe you have a horrible home life that stresses you out and you need an escape? Having a stressful home life is super difficult when you're a minor because breaking away is suuuper hard. However, there are things you can do! You can find a trusted friend and become friends with their parents. That way you have a "second family" you can go to when things get bad. Let them know what's going on. If you are being outright abused, if you're feeling brave enough to, tell a teacher. They are required by law to report any signs of abuse or verbal disclosure of abuse. Now if you're not feeling up to risking an investigation and all that drama, I understand. However, if things get that bad, it's an option. In the meantime, search for healthy escapes. They are out there! Another tip is to get as much rest as you can and honestly, stay hydrated and keep your blood sugar at a healthy level if you're battling fatigue. 

If you've come to a point where you've become addicted, there is still hope for you. If you're ready to break from the addiction, don't be afraid to seek help! Find a trusted adult to talk to. I highly doubt any trustworthy adult will turn you in to the police if you let them know you want to stop using and you want help. If there is no adult in your life that you can trust with this information, find a friend who is not currently using to be your support. You may even need a medical professional's help. However, you can start by weening yourself off of the drug. Slowly taper off the amount you use. Set attainable goals for yourself. For example, "I usually smoke half a pack a day, so I want to get down to 3 smokes a day for the next week. Then after that, 2 smokes a day for another week. Then one smoke a day for a week. Then only one every other day." See what I mean? During a moment of weakness, call up your support buddy. Get out of the house if you can. Find anything healthy to distract yourself. It's going to be a fight, but it's a fight that's well worth it! 

Please know that you don't have to destroy your body and risk being sent to jail. You really are better than that! I love you and I'm praying for you! <3

With love,

Someone who cares. 

PS: this song is called "Break" by Three Days Grace I feel this describes what I've said pretty well in song form. Enjoy! :)

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