3: Double Trouble

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Kyle's POV
First Break

"You guys will neva' believe who's in my maff class!"


"You guys will neva' belive who's i in-"

"We heard you the first time fatass!" I exclaimed, throwing my orange peel directly at Cartman.

It's Friday. Kenny, Cartman and I are spending our break at our new spot at the end of the oval. I am one hundred percent sure that this is a restricted area, but Kenny was all like "Noitscoolwecansithere!" but I... don't particularly trust his word when it comes to legal matters.

Stan isn't sitting with us today, or any of the first breaks from now on because 'he needs to spend more time with Wendy!' Give it three weeks and he'll be crawling up our asses saying 'she doesn't care about me' and all that tragic shit. It's really pissing me off. I'm so glad Kenny is sitting here because it's gotten to the point where calling Cartman a fatass might be the highlight of my day otherwise. I'm so tempted to ask Tweek, Craig, Token, Clyde and Jimmy to come sit with us, just so Stan can permanently fuck off with Wendy. Ugh!

"WhatdoyouhavenextKyle?" Kenny asked, grabbing his timetable out of his bag.

"Oh why fanks for asking Keeny I have maffs wit-"


I looked down at my own timetable. My fingers trace over friday as I look for lesson three. It's Chemistry. I'm pretty sure Gregory and I have an identical timetable; we're in all the same classes, even the electives. I don't really mind that either, Gregory seems really nice and he's changed a bit since we last saw him. He's more... normal now... like, it's easier to have a friendly chat with him.

The only other people that are regularly in my classes are Jimmy and Nicole, which is absolutely expected. Wendy is also in an unsurprising amount of my classes as well.

I find myself sitting next to Gregory in most of my lessons; he actually understands what the hell is going on, something I struggle to do. His notes are also really easy to read, but... he's also kind of just a nice person to talk to.


"Catchyallihavefreeperiodlmaobye." Kenny screeched before taking off at top speed. I have a feeling that 'free period' is code for missing class and smoking behind the school.

"Well Kahl looks like it's just you and me now."

"Fuck off Cartman"


"Hello Kyle!" I heard a friendly, british voice call me over from the other side of the science lab; it's Gregory, of course.

"Hey Gregory." I replied, taking a seat down at my desk, he follows, taking out some textbooks and a bunch of notes from the previous lesson.

"Did you do the homework?" He asked, tucking his cuffs up and tightening his sleeves.

"Ehhh, last minute." I mumbled, taking the sheet out of my bag to compare to Gregory's. I lined up our papers; they were double sided with a bunch of chemical formulas we had to fill out.

Other students entered the room, handing in their homework and chatting while waiting for class to start. I'm starting to wish I had more classes with Stan, even though I'm pissed at him about the whole Wendy ordeal, we're still best friends... I think. Maybe I should ask him to come over today? So we could hang out or something.

"I'll give our homework to Mrs. Rutherford" Gregory blurted with a smile, replacing his worded actions with physical ones. Sigh, I'll think about Stan later. As for now I need to fill my mind with the periodic table and chemical formulas.

Second Break

"Huh? Whadya mean? Ya can't fuckin' leave!" Cartman yelled, taking a stance against the pale boy in a blue hat.

"Look I just, I think I should hang around with Wendy more. We can still get together on weekends and stuff right?" Stan defended, backing up a bit.

I sighed. "Stan! You were just complaining about how much of a bitch she was last week! You can't keep going back to her."

Stan shruged. "I never mean those things! You know that, she knows that, and I know that. Stay out of it."

The complete and utter lack of concern in his voice is twisting my stomach. How is he so calm?

"Then go sit with her! We're not in middle school anymore, this isn't some scandalous scheme. Do whatever the hell you want." My voice almost cracked on that last line. Almost.

"It's all or nathin' Stan." Cartman finished, dramatically turning away to face Kenny and I. Stan scowls at Cartman, before walking off to presumably sit with Wendy.

So... Stan isn't sitting with us anymore? But... we've all been been friends since preschool... all four of us, even though Cartman is an ass, we've all still hung around. I feel... mad? aggravated? My temper is boiling... how could Stan choose a girl over his best friends? It doesn't make any sense... and I hate it, I hate him.


"Fuck Stan, if he wants to get wit biatches then he can!" Cartman spat, picking up his bags and taking off to his last lesson on time for quite literally the first time ever.

Kenny kicked at the ground to break the awkward silence left behind by Stan.

"Uh, I have art, I think. Walk with me?" I mumbled quietly. Kenny and I proceed to walk the distance of the oval, back into school to attend our seperate classes.


"Hey Gregory!" I called out as I enter the art room, covered in blank canvases and blank walls waiting to be filled up with art. It's... kinda pathetic.

"Oh, hello Kyle." he replied, smiling politely back at me.

"How would you feel about coming over to my house today?"

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